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Small questionnaire; results are now posted!
The results:
5 people filled in the form, I can’t say I’m proud of the community ;-)
If we take the gender survey crashfellow held into consideration my bio would have to look something like this:

Quote:A 24 year old very polite girl. She’s currently out of a job but fills her time with her big hobby: web development. She’s ratter good at the latter, far above average as far as others are considered.

Let me know whether that would’ve fit a description you could have given of me!
Now moving on to the actual biography:

Quote:A pretty cheeky and self-conscious 18 your old guy. Due to his school work and his conflicting interests he has never found a good job, though he’s open for suggestions. His biggest hobby is web development and accessibility and he likes to think he’s pretty good at it. He is however far from as good as the people writing the blogs he keeps an eye on.

Or something like that I guess. I hope I didn’t shock to many of you now Big Grin

internet54 has allowed me to publicly mock him, and I was planning to do so because he wrote I was a girl. But with everyone backing him up I think I’ll stay out of it ;-)

The raw results:
| Age | Job? | Web dev? | Polite | Ability |
|  22 |  No  |  Hobby   |      1 |       5 |   internet54        Note: however, I though you were a chick :)
|  24 |  No  |  Hobby   |      1 |       1 |   n00dles101
|  30 |  Yes |  Work    |      1 |       2 |   /withheld/
|  26 |  Yes |  Hobby   |      1 |       1 |   alina79ro
|  20 |  No  |  Future  |      1 |       2 |   /withheld/

The survey is now closed.

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Messages In This Thread
Small questionnaire; results are now posted! - by Zegnåt - 2010-03-14, 19:51:23

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