Updated (v 0.2)
Change log:
- Fixed some validation rules
- Added captcha system
- Admin panel now lets you delete users
- Sorting of topics has been corroborated to be more like a usual message board (Announcements, Stickies, then normal topics)
- You can delete and reset the tables from the admin panel (without having to delete each individual record using DM Matrix's inbuilt database manager - only use this option to reset everything, as all forum data will be lost)
- Moderators can move topics
- Deleting a post will change the topic accordingly: it changes the 'latest post by' details of the topic if it is indeed the latest post in that thread, and deletes the entire thread if it is the first post
- User can define an avatar and signature (yet to output them, but the user can indeed define them)
- Users can change their passwords; if they've forgotten them, they can click a 'forgot password?' link that resets the password to a random string and emails said string to the one associated with the account.
To update from 0.1, delete all of the information from the tables and start afresh, reinstalling MSGBoard.
Change log:
- Fixed some validation rules
- Added captcha system
- Admin panel now lets you delete users
- Sorting of topics has been corroborated to be more like a usual message board (Announcements, Stickies, then normal topics)
- You can delete and reset the tables from the admin panel (without having to delete each individual record using DM Matrix's inbuilt database manager - only use this option to reset everything, as all forum data will be lost)
- Moderators can move topics
- Deleting a post will change the topic accordingly: it changes the 'latest post by' details of the topic if it is indeed the latest post in that thread, and deletes the entire thread if it is the first post
- User can define an avatar and signature (yet to output them, but the user can indeed define them)
- Users can change their passwords; if they've forgotten them, they can click a 'forgot password?' link that resets the password to a random string and emails said string to the one associated with the account.
To update from 0.1, delete all of the information from the tables and start afresh, reinstalling MSGBoard.