2013-05-03, 05:31:34
I'm using GetSimple 3.2.1 and the newest version of I18N, too...
Maybe it works only in combination with I18N Navigation? I use their navigations, maybe that is it?
I'm not sure about the great grand parents, as my website only has up to two levels, but I guess then it would be sth like this:
... but that is only an idea, didn't try that^^
Maybe it works only in combination with I18N Navigation? I use their navigations, maybe that is it?
I'm not sure about the great grand parents, as my website only has up to two levels, but I guess then it would be sth like this:
PHP Code:
$data = self::getPageData($slugparent);
if($data) {
$parentparent = $data->parent;
if($parentparent != "") {
$data = self::getPageData($parentparent);
$greatparentparent = $data->parent;
if($greatparentparent != "") {
$slugparent = $greatparentparent ."/".$parentparent."/".$slugparent;
} else {
$slugparent = $parentparent."/".$slugparent;