2013-05-04, 23:08:15
Hi Shawn,
GetSimple Upgrade was from 3.2 to 3.2.1.
Sorry, i confused that in my post, it was rather late yesterday...
Disabling version checking in gs config did not help. Now that you mentioned it i also tried to change some other options that may have something to do with performance, but nothing made any difference.
Debug mode shows nothing.
Here's an excerpt of gs config so you can see what options i changed for testing:
All these GSNOxy options where disabled before and of course i enabled only one at a time to see if it makes any difference. Unfortunatly nothing changed the behaviour.
Thanks again for your help!
GetSimple Upgrade was from 3.2 to 3.2.1.
Sorry, i confused that in my post, it was rather late yesterday...
Disabling version checking in gs config did not help. Now that you mentioned it i also tried to change some other options that may have something to do with performance, but nothing made any difference.
Debug mode shows nothing.
Here's an excerpt of gs config so you can see what options i changed for testing:
PHP Code:
# Turn on debug mode
define('GSDEBUG', TRUE);
# Make login cookie available sitewide.
# Ping search engines upon sitemap generation?
define('GSDONOTPING', 1);
# Turn off CSRF protection. Uncomment this if you keep receiving the error message "CSRF error detected..."
#define('GSNOCSRF', TRUE);
# Disable loading of external CDN versions of scripts (jQuery/jQueryUI)
# Disable Codemirror theme editor
# Forces suppression of php errors when GSDEBUG is false, despite php ini settings
# Disable check for Apache web server, default false
define('GSNOAPACHECHECK', true);
# Disable header version check
define('GSNOVERCHECK', true);
# Disable Sitemap generation and menu items
All these GSNOxy options where disabled before and of course i enabled only one at a time to see if it makes any difference. Unfortunatly nothing changed the behaviour.
Thanks again for your help!