(2013-10-19, 00:40:08)boa Wrote: I do not understand how to insert into the template?
You just have to insert [sc_form] tag anywhere in your page/on any page.
(2013-10-19, 03:23:30)griskle Wrote: HelloBased on what your backend settings are theres a few things that causes invalid form data error.
i kept getting "invalid form data" after i click send button when i use this form in front end
eventhough i disable or enable the captcha, also i had try both captcha and no email coming here
any idea what i did wrong ?
Your form contains a + field on frontend that is not white listed (white list is generated automatically based on what you choose on backend. example: If you dont use captcha all captcha fields are removed from white list so you cant resubmit a form previously sent)
Also everytime the contact form is refreshed a new token is set and when you submit a form the token is checked to see if its the previously (correct) set token else it throws invalid data form.
If no emails are sent at all then it might be something related to your php mail() function since the default PHPMailer setting is to use mail() but normally the PHPMailer throws an error if the processing fails else it might be some misconfiguration only.
I will also add a simple debug so if such things happen it will automatically generate a report.
But until that maybe you can give me your website address so i can take a look?