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Simple Tree Multi-level Menu (quick hack)
Sorry, this script does not support slugs with anchors, as is.

Only thing I can think may be done is inserting html code just like text labels. You could do something like:

$$<a href="fruits/#Grapes Article">Grapes</a>
$$<a href="fruits/#Melons Article">Melons</a>
$$<a href="fruits/#Oranges Article">Oranges</a>

In the function, on both lines 6 and 7, '#' should be changed to '$' (or other character you prefer to use for indenting, other than <, >, =, space, ...)

This example is for fancy URLs. With the default structure, it would be:
$$<a href="index.php?id=fruits#Grapes Article">Grapes</a>

Messages In This Thread
Simple Tree Multi-level Menu (quick hack) - by Carlos - 2010-04-22, 07:29:03

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