2014-01-20, 13:42:56
Thanks for your answer; and your precious time, Really Much appreciated!!
OK, just discovering http://get-simple.info/wiki/plugins:hooks_filters#front-end_hooks
It's a good idea, as it could be a generic solution for all the plugins.
Well, Great! actually there is a lot under the hood!!! got it now, GS stands for Great & Simple
(2014-01-20, 07:32:06)shawn_a Wrote: You can't , if they are plugins change them to use footer hooks and not header hooks.
OK, just discovering http://get-simple.info/wiki/plugins:hooks_filters#front-end_hooks
(2014-01-20, 07:32:06)shawn_a Wrote: I guess you could parse the header output and echo them back to the footer using php dom object or something.you means we can rely on the fact a buffer is always used by GS? (i wasn't aware of it).
It's a good idea, as it could be a generic solution for all the plugins.
(2014-01-20, 07:32:06)shawn_a Wrote: Or rewrite your own get header function and do not call the hook and manage your assets manuallyoula! it's getting too far for me at the moment! We can override the functions of the GS rendering engine!!??
Well, Great! actually there is a lot under the hood!!! got it now, GS stands for Great & Simple