Updated plugin. New functions:
Plugin code:
- file_meta_search - search file meta data
- file_meta_list - list files (as an unordered list), filtered (using file_meta_search)
<?php echo file_meta_list('tags', 'tagname'); ?>
Plugin Name: File Meta Info
Description: Store additional information about uploaded files. Search and list files matching that meta data.
Version: 1.1
Author: Sam Collett
# get correct id for plugin
$thisfile=basename(__FILE__, ".php");
# register plugin
'File Meta Info',
'Sam Collett',
'Save additional meta information for uploaded files. Search and list files matching that meta data.',
# 'Text to display' => 'metakey' (no spaces)
$file_meta_fields = array('Title' => 'title', 'Tags' => 'tags');
# activate filter
add_action('index-pretemplate', 'file_meta_preload');
add_action('header', 'file_meta_header');
# path to xml file
$file_meta_path = GSDATAOTHERPATH.'file_meta.xml';
# xml data
# functions
function file_meta_preload()
global $file_meta_xml, $file_meta_path;
if(is_file($file_meta_path)) {
$file_meta_xml = getXML($file_meta_path);
else {
$file_meta_xml = @new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><files></files>');
XMLsave($file_meta_xml, $file_meta_path);
if (isset($_REQUEST["file_meta"]))
function file_meta_header()
// preload data
echo '<style type="text/css">tr.file_meta { font-size: 0.875em } tr.file_meta input.meta { font-size: 0.875em; width: 200px } tr.file_meta td { padding: 0 18px }</style>';
function file_meta_extras()
global $file_meta_fields, $upload;
echo '<tr class="file_meta"><td colspan="4">
<form method="post" action="'.htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES).'">';
foreach($file_meta_fields as $text => $metakey)
echo $text.': <input name="meta_'.$metakey.'" value="'.file_meta_data($upload['name'], $metakey).'" class="'.$metakey.' meta" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="file" value="'.$upload['name'].'" />
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="file_meta" />
function file_meta_search($meta, $search)
global $file_meta_xml;
return $file_meta_xml->xpath('//files/file[contains('.$meta.',"'.$search.'")]');
return null;
// list files
function file_meta_list($meta, $search)
global $SITEURL;
$files = file_meta_search($meta, $search);
if(count($files) > 0)
$list = '<ul class="file_list">';
foreach($files as $file)
// get file statistics
$ss = @stat(GSDATAUPLOADPATH.$file['name']);
// date last modified
$date = @date('M j, Y',$ss['mtime']);
// file size
$size = fSize($ss['size']);
// if title set in the meta data, use that
$filetitle = $file->xpath('title');
if(count($filetitle) > 0 && strlen($filetitle[0]) > 0)
$title = $filetitle[0];
// otherwise use file name without the extension
else $title = substr($file['name'], 0, strrpos($file['name'], '.'));
$list .= '<li><a href="'.$SITEURL.'data/uploads/'.$file['name'].'">'.$title.'</a> ('.$size.'. '.$date.')</li>';
$list .= '</ul>';
return $list;
return null;
function file_meta_data($file, $meta)
global $file_meta_xml;
$meta_data = '';
$current = $file_meta_xml->xpath('//files/file[@name="'.$file.'"]');
if(count($current) !== 0) {
$children = $current[0]->xpath($meta);
if(count($children) > 0)
$meta_data = $children[0];
return $meta_data;
function file_meta_update()
global $file_meta_xml, $file_meta_path;
$file = '';
// meta data to update
$meta_update = array();
foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value)
// temp array for storing meta key and its value
$ar = array();
// if request key is file
if($key == "file") $file = $value;
if(strpos($key, "meta_") === 0) {
$ar = explode('_',$key);
$meta_update[$ar[1]] = $value;
// find the file in the XML document
$file_item = $file_meta_xml->xpath('//files/file[@name="'.$file.'"]');
// if the file is not found
if(count($file_item) === 0) {
$file_item = $file_meta_xml->addChild('file');
$file_item->addAttribute('name', $file);
// loop through all meta keys to update
foreach($meta_update as $key => $value)
$children = $file_item[0]->xpath($key);
if(count($children) > 0)
// remove existing tag
$file_item[0]->addChild($key, $value);
XMLsave($file_meta_xml, $file_meta_path);
-- Sam