2015-01-28, 04:50:16
// lineWrapping : true,
in the editor config
you might also be able to do it in your own js code after codemirror is initialized of course
i tried this in 3.4 and it works, for example
of course for components you have to wrap this in a .each since there will be mutiple matches etc.
in the editor config
PHP Code:
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, {
you might also be able to do it in your own js code after codemirror is initialized of course
// psuedo code
myeditor = $('#codetext').next('.CodeMirror').get(0).CodeMirror;
i tried this in 3.4 and it works, for example
of course for components you have to wrap this in a .each since there will be mutiple matches etc.