(2015-03-13, 07:22:42)shawn_a Wrote: For the new menu manager, would you guys think a dropdown, select add to menu interface is good ?I would rather have the menu manager be part of the main pages view. With a filter button to only show menu's (or at least fade the none-menu pages back). Then you can sort the menu there and also add/un-add to menu via button.
Or would you like a full drag and drop interface ?
Selects and combo boxes really are not that great an interface for lots of data, and for sites with hundreds of pages i figure a foldable tree might be the best interface either inline or in a popup.
If inline it allows drag and drop menu management.
[EDIT:] Forget about it, it's probably a bad idea. Menu's might not always have the same structure as the pages.
Foldable tree inline. Would be usefull when folded shows amount of (folded) subitems.