(2015-03-17, 00:54:16)widecircle Wrote: I can't make explode work.
It doesn't work on the string returned but work if I hardcode a string instead...why is this?
Also if I use the improved file manager there are no preview thumbs.
They are all black with the text "Wrong path" - why is this?
Below works when string is hardcoded.
Code:$images = explode('||', 'http://localhost/bootstraptema/data/uploads/box1.jpg||http://localhost/bootstraptema/data/uploads/box2.jpg');
foreach($images as $image){
echo '<img src="'.$image.'">';
A soon as I use
the explode doesn't work...Code:$images = explode('||', get_special_field_image('image'));
(2015-03-17, 03:25:39)widecircle Wrote: This is what i get:
It's wrapped in an img-tag - which doesn't make any sense...Code:<img src="http://localhost/bootstraptema/data/uploads/box1.jpg||http://localhost/bootstraptema/data/uploads/box2.jpg">
Seems to be a lot of bugs in this plugin - kind of annoying...it should have been tested before the author released it.
I think I will move on to another solution...
Dont use:
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
There was an mistake in my previous posts that i shown how to loop over array.
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