2015-07-20, 02:01:58
(2015-07-19, 04:38:11)shawn_a Wrote: I suppose it could be plugin specific.
... and again you're right...
I have had a look at javascript-console when error is present. There is no message or so - it seems so, that hiding of the editor is "planned & ok".
Then I installed a naked getsimple without any plugins and transferred contents of one of my websites to it. OK - now there are missing some plugins but only on some pages... With this installation I can edit again and again without editor disappearing.
So it is a "teamwork" of one or more plugins in combination with new version of gs which causes this strange behaviour. I don't think I will look further at this point. Disbling option is a quite good workaround - sorry but this is "very tricky" to find.
I cannot guarantee that version of php e.g. is not also responsible - I will test this next time because of I upgrade from wheezy to jessie on one of my servers and first I test is if the mostly used CMS (GS, Joomla!, Drupal, WordPress) do their work...
Best regards