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QUESTION Building a form + export data
are you a programmer, do you know php ?
We do not really have any great form plugins, but there are some in progress.

exporting to csv would be fairly easy for someone to write for you.

and excel can typically import xml also, so not a huge deal.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

Messages In This Thread
Building a form + export data - by colorfill - 2015-08-13, 23:28:05
RE: Building a form + export data - by shawn_a - 2015-08-13, 23:37:25
RE: Building a form + export data - by colorfill - 2015-08-13, 23:51:15
RE: Building a form + export data - by bluzer - 2015-08-28, 05:13:27
RE: Building a form + export data - by Tyblitz - 2015-08-14, 19:25:34

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