2016-01-28, 05:07:57
Check that your template has the opening <body> tag id'd as <body id="<?php get_page_slug(); ?>" >
So if the slug is "about" then the html will be <body id="about" > and your css declarations starting
#about will apply only to that page.
If you prefer a class change the template to read <body class="<?php get_page_slug(); ?>" >
then use .slug as a selector.
if you want to add content (or code or anything) to certain pages you can use in the template
<?php if (return_page_slug() == 'pageslug') {get_component( 'componentslug' )}; ?>
to insert a component in that page only.
Or you can just copy the template.php and rename it so that a page uses a different template.
So if the slug is "about" then the html will be <body id="about" > and your css declarations starting
#about will apply only to that page.
If you prefer a class change the template to read <body class="<?php get_page_slug(); ?>" >
then use .slug as a selector.
if you want to add content (or code or anything) to certain pages you can use in the template
<?php if (return_page_slug() == 'pageslug') {get_component( 'componentslug' )}; ?>
to insert a component in that page only.
Or you can just copy the template.php and rename it so that a page uses a different template.