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Bug: htmlentities messes code blocks
Yes. The problem actually arrouses with the plugin, but basically it's a structural problem (the use of htmlentities instead of htmlspecialchars) of GetSimple.

If greek characters are entered in a simple <pre><code></code></pre> structure, with markdown disabled, the result is greek characters, not their entities, though entitites are used for storage.

Messages In This Thread
Bug: htmlentities messes code blocks - by Connie - 2012-02-05, 04:35:39
Bug: htmlentities messes code blocks - by Connie - 2012-02-06, 17:08:08
Bug: htmlentities messes code blocks - by Carlos - 2012-02-07, 04:11:58
Bug: htmlentities messes code blocks - by Carlos - 2012-02-07, 04:29:05
Bug: htmlentities messes code blocks - by intelx86 - 2012-02-07, 04:47:43
Bug: htmlentities messes code blocks - by Carlos - 2012-02-07, 05:35:21

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