2016-05-11, 14:31:32
(2016-05-11, 04:06:22)sremick Wrote: New user, be gentle!
The good news is this is on a test site. Probably once I redid over from scratch the problem would go away. But I wouldn't learn anything, and if it happened later on the production site I'd be SOL. So let's use this as a learning opportunity!
I'v been running GS in production for 6mo now. I spent 1 month reloading and experimenting about 10 versions. In time, I learned what not to do. There is no book big enough to warn or school a person through all possibilities. The main quality for a good programmer is patience and perseverance!
The folks on the forum are great... but each install is custom and requires experimentation. I can say that after the learning curve I have not had a single crash until I try some new plugin - but I have learned how to back out of trouble. Good Luck!