(2016-08-27, 22:23:55)shivprasd Wrote: My Question is >> In contact form of contact page, when a user submits a mail, to which email Id the mail will be sent?
Contact form in both themes Evolve and Red Agency for mail sending use simple_c_default_email() function which is described in the theme functions.php file. This function send e-mail to the main site administrator address (by default).
If you need to set up a custom e-mail sending address which is easily be replaced than you can do follows:
Open theme contact.php (or contact_with_gmap.php) file for editing, find and comment this line (on top):
//$e_mail = simple_c_default_email();
add new line like this:
$e_mail = get_page_meta_desc(false);
Go to the tab "Pages" and open "Contact" page and enter required e-mail address to the field "Meta description". Save changes.
Now you can use address which are written in the page "Contact" "Meta description" field.
Also with this method you can set different e-mail address for different language page (if you use multilingual structure).