2010-08-09, 08:54:36
OWS_Matthew Wrote:I would also like to make developers choose to be a developer, not everyone needs the upload option.
If a user is not logged in, can you hide the buttons they cannot access, thanks.
Well at the moment if you're not a developer there is no point in registering, but it shouldnt be too difficult to split the levels up.
I thought that most things were correctly hidden, but i'm not sure how up to date the live copy was compared to my local version.
I'm going away for the week, so I probably wont be able to work on the code, but i'll keep an eye on this thread!
I've uploaded a copy of the code (and an SQL dump) here: http://www.helixtech.org.uk/files/gsplugins.zip
It's not particularly pretty, my next job will be to tidy it up, possibly move all HTML to a simple templating system, but feel free to have a go at any bits that need it.