2017-03-04, 00:10:13
Version updated to v. 0.4
- Fixed issue and imroved Mobile menu (jPanelMenu). Now it use jPanelMenu script ver. 1.4.1. Adjust all the resources that use this script. You can use two types of the Mobile menu appearance themes: light (sets by default) and dark. If you want to switch to dark theme check "Use a dark theme for mobile menu" field on the theme settings page. You can make more detailed jPanelMenu settings in the file: /Evolve/scripts/custom.js (see section: "03 Mobile Navigation").
- In the Theme settings page insert a new management field "Use minimized CSS file versions". If it checked theme uses only minimized CSS files. Also minify all Javascript files for improve bandwidth.
- Improved Footer elements appearance. For this in the Theme settings page insert 3 management fields: "Show all contact information in the Footer bar" (if checked all contact info lines will be shown); "Show contact information labels in the Footer bar" (if checked next to the icon will be shown it's label); "Footer icons size with size units value" (now you can set Footer icons size).
- Improved Contact form e-mail address determination. Now you can set the email addresses in two ways. If on the Contact Page in the field "Meta Description" entered valid e-mail address then will use it. If mentioned field is empty or do not have valid e-mail address then will be used site admin address. This improvement allows you to use different e-mail addreses for different Contact Pages (in different language).
- In the Theme settings page insert a new management field "Site Logo". Now you can change default Logo image to your own. If on your site installed plugin Responsive FileManager next to the input field will appear "Browse" button with which you can select an image on the server.