2017-03-17, 04:16:42
(2017-03-12, 17:33:44)joyofweaving.com Wrote: I tried every manner of .htaccess Redirect 301 solutions and nothing works (keep getting the ?id= in the address and a 404 error page displays). I have fancy URLs enabled.
I'm not sure what is going wrong, but it seems like if things aren't working at the htaccess level, using a plugin is only going to compound your problem. First get htaccess working properly.
If you have Fancy URLs enabled, you should never be getting a ?id= in your URL.
When you go to your settings page ( /admin/settings.php ) , you Fancy URLs is checked, right? On that line of that page, I see that it says "Requires that your host has mod_rewrite enabled." Is that enabled?
Go to the admin's website health check up page here: /admin/health-check.php
Does it say "Apache Mod Rewrite Installed - OK"?