2017-05-09, 03:02:46
may i ask for the purpose of making your own site with an Open Source and free available Software (GetSimple), including powerful, free available plugins made by community members and then offering your own plugin for sale?
Please don't understand me wrong, no offense here, i'm just wondering.
Some plugins you used to create your site (like special pages, search) would really deserve to be premium, yet alone because they add a lot of additional functionality to GetSimple and they're still free.
I don't see that functionality for your "premium" plugin, but i might be wrong.
may i ask for the purpose of making your own site with an Open Source and free available Software (GetSimple), including powerful, free available plugins made by community members and then offering your own plugin for sale?
Please don't understand me wrong, no offense here, i'm just wondering.
Some plugins you used to create your site (like special pages, search) would really deserve to be premium, yet alone because they add a lot of additional functionality to GetSimple and they're still free.
I don't see that functionality for your "premium" plugin, but i might be wrong.