2010-08-28, 06:24:12
just wanted to mention that this problem still exists in v2.01
As in previous versions I found out that uncommenting parts of the install.php solves the problem-
I uncommented lines 122-144 in v2.01:
As in previous versions I found out that uncommenting parts of the install.php solves the problem-
I uncommented lines 122-144 in v2.01:
// # salt value generation
// $api_file = GSDATAOTHERPATH.'authorization.xml';
// if (! file_exists($api_file)) {
// if (defined('GSUSECUSTOMSALT')) {
// $saltval = md5(GSUSECUSTOMSALT);
// } else {
// if (in_arrayi('curl', $php_modules)) {
// $apikey = generate_salt();
// if ($apikey->status == '6' && $apikey->api_key != '') {
// $saltval = $apikey->api_key;
// }
// }
// }
// $xml = @new SimpleXMLExtended('<item></item>');
// $note = $xml->addChild('apikey');
// $note->addCData($saltval);
// $xml->asXML($api_file);
// }
# get salt value
// $data = @getXML($api_file);
// $APIKEY = @$data->apikey;