2010-08-31, 20:53:24
Had exactly the same as purtle: just blank screen on 4O4!
In debug mode:
After reading purtle last comments my first thought was a broken/corrupted xml file. The error in '404-mailer.php' (see above) was about creating a new entry in the 4O4 logging file "data/other/logs/404monitoring.log.xml". XML syntax in that file seems to be ok. Removed / deleted the file and 4O4 was working again
So everything works! Why am I reporting this? To help others with the same problem
Had exactly the same as purtle: just blank screen on 4O4!
In debug mode:
Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 3: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document in /home/dareis/domains/dare-is.nl/public_html/admin/inc/404-mailer.php on line 110
Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Browser> in /home/dareis/domains/dare-is.nl/public_html/admin/inc/404-mailer.php on line 110
Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): ^ in /home/dareis/domains/dare-is.nl/public_html/admin/inc/404-mailer.php on line 110
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in /home/dareis/domains/dare-is.nl/public_html/admin/inc/404-mailer.php:110
Stack trace: #0 /home/dareis/domains/dare-is.nl/public_html/admin/inc/404-mailer.php(110): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('
After reading purtle last comments my first thought was a broken/corrupted xml file. The error in '404-mailer.php' (see above) was about creating a new entry in the 4O4 logging file "data/other/logs/404monitoring.log.xml". XML syntax in that file seems to be ok. Removed / deleted the file and 4O4 was working again
So everything works! Why am I reporting this? To help others with the same problem