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Living up to the facts, get GS to work under PHP 5.2 again!
Corection on my precedent post :

admin\plugins.php :
* @File:     plugins.php
* @Package:    GetSimple
* @Action:    Displays all installed plugins.    

// Setup inclusions
$load['plugin'] = true;

// Relative
$relative = '../';

// Include common.php

// Variable settings
$counter = '0';
$table = '';

$pluginfiles = getFiles(GSPLUGINPATH);

    if(version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.0", "<")) {
        function pathinfo_filename($path) {
            $temp = pathinfo($path);
                $temp['filename'] = substr($temp['basename'],0 ,strlen($temp['basename'])-strlen($temp['extension'])-1);
                return $temp['filename'];
            return false;
    } else {
        function pathinfo_filename($path) {
            return pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME);

foreach ($pluginfiles as $fi)
    $pathExt = pathinfo($fi,PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
    //$pathName= pathinfo($fi,PATHINFO_FILENAME );
    $pathName = pathinfo_filename($fi);

    if ($pathExt=="php")
        $table .= '<tr id="tr-'.$counter.'" >';
        $table .= '<td width="25%" ><b>'.$plugin_info[$pathName]['name'] .'</b></td>';
        $table .= '<td><span>'.$plugin_info[$pathName]['description'] .'<br />';
        $table .= $i18n['PLUGIN_VER'] .' '. $plugin_info[$pathName]['version'].' &nbsp;|&nbsp; By <a href="'.$plugin_info[$pathName]['author_url'].'" target="_blank">'.$plugin_info[$pathName]['author'].'</a></span></td>';
        $table .= "</tr>\n";

<?php exec_action('plugin-hook');?>

<?php get_template('header', cl($SITENAME).' &raquo; '.$i18n['PLUGINS_MANAGEMENT']); ?>
    <h1><a href="<?php echo $SITEURL; ?>" target="_blank" ><?php echo cl($SITENAME); ?></a> <span>&raquo;</span> <?php echo $i18n['PLUGINS_MANAGEMENT']; ?></h1>
    <?php include('template/include-nav.php'); ?>
    <?php include('template/error_checking.php'); ?>
    <div class="bodycontent">
    <div id="maincontent">
        <div class="main" >
        <h3><?php echo $i18n['PLUGINS_MANAGEMENT']; ?></h3>
        <table class="edittable highlight paginate">
            <?php echo $table; ?>
        <div id="page_counter" class="qc_pager"></div>
        <p><em><b><span id="pg_counter"><?php echo $counter; ?></span></b> <?php echo $i18n['PLUGINS_INSTALLED']; ?></em></p>
    <div id="sidebar" >
        <?php include('template/sidebar-plugins.php'); ?>
    <div class="clear"></div>

<?php get_template('footer'); ?>

Messages In This Thread
Living up to the facts, get GS to work under PHP 5.2 again! - by madvic - 2010-09-06, 18:31:44

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