I'm trying to figure this out also. I've been using another (more complex) CMS but am developing a more simple site with GetSimple right now.
If we have www.sample.com (as the Website Base URL, domain is forwarded to whatever folder on the web server where the files are stored...no folders in the web address), then sub page may be www.sample.com/subpage. And further could be www.sample.com/subpage/subsubpage.
BUT...when I'm building the site, I'm using www.mydomain.com/customer/site/ (as the Website Base URL...developing on my own server).
So, when I'm developing the site, I need to specify images as /customer/site/data/uploads/image1.jpg, but when I go live I need to go back through and change every image to /data/uploads/image1.jpg. Can't GetSimple use the Website Base URL as the starting / when you specify an image path? Rather than assuming it is the root of the domain...which it probably only is once the site is live.
That's how the CMS I've been using works, so when I update the domain from testing to live, I'm good to go. I just change the Website Base URL.
Am I missing something? (I know I could be...probably am.)
I do like GetSimple otherwise...it's nice to just log in to a simple CMS and do what I need. Not lots of extra stuff.
(PS. Am I not allowed to use quotes in my post? :-) I did and it truncated my post at the first quote.)
If we have www.sample.com (as the Website Base URL, domain is forwarded to whatever folder on the web server where the files are stored...no folders in the web address), then sub page may be www.sample.com/subpage. And further could be www.sample.com/subpage/subsubpage.
BUT...when I'm building the site, I'm using www.mydomain.com/customer/site/ (as the Website Base URL...developing on my own server).
So, when I'm developing the site, I need to specify images as /customer/site/data/uploads/image1.jpg, but when I go live I need to go back through and change every image to /data/uploads/image1.jpg. Can't GetSimple use the Website Base URL as the starting / when you specify an image path? Rather than assuming it is the root of the domain...which it probably only is once the site is live.
That's how the CMS I've been using works, so when I update the domain from testing to live, I'm good to go. I just change the Website Base URL.
Am I missing something? (I know I could be...probably am.)
I do like GetSimple otherwise...it's nice to just log in to a simple CMS and do what I need. Not lots of extra stuff.
(PS. Am I not allowed to use quotes in my post? :-) I did and it truncated my post at the first quote.)