2010-09-13, 02:12:03
Hello everybody
I was trying to install GetSimple 2.01 on my localhost, and encountered the blank page install problem as well.
(while installing on a remote host, no problems were encountered)
How I resolved it :
turned on error displaying in my php.ini file :
display_errors = On
display_startup_errors = On
It turned out my php setup had the following errors:
in the dynamic extensions section :
was commented out, so I changed that
in the [Date] section
date.timezone =
was not set, so I changed it to my value : 'Europe/Paris'
(and enabled debug mode in gsconfig.php as stated by Zegnåt)
Restarted my http daemon, and it worked!
I was trying to install GetSimple 2.01 on my localhost, and encountered the blank page install problem as well.
(while installing on a remote host, no problems were encountered)
How I resolved it :
turned on error displaying in my php.ini file :
display_errors = On
display_startup_errors = On
It turned out my php setup had the following errors:
in the dynamic extensions section :
was commented out, so I changed that
in the [Date] section
date.timezone =
was not set, so I changed it to my value : 'Europe/Paris'
(and enabled debug mode in gsconfig.php as stated by Zegnåt)
Restarted my http daemon, and it worked!