2020-01-26, 00:59:59
Hello Tim
Thanks for porting this html5 template to gs. I was doing a one page site with onepageresponsive theme and had it looking ok but just ok. Hadn't seen your one page theme yet but Spectral works fine as a one pager. It's not that long of a page so people can scroll or hit the PgDn button. Don't need a menu for 3-4 page anchors.
I swapped out the images of course and the outdoor shots are from around this area. I'm rural too. I'm using my smtp contact and running gs 3.4 but I after seeing the security issues with 3.4, think I'm going to redo the site with 3.3x.
3.4 has some nice admin improvements but development is at a snail's pace. (4-5 years now?)
I've been putting all my site together with wordpress but getting sick of that game. UPGRADE TO OUR PRO VERSION is all it's about now.
Anywho, here she be. https://www.ozarkswebdesign.com/index.php
Thanks for porting this html5 template to gs. I was doing a one page site with onepageresponsive theme and had it looking ok but just ok. Hadn't seen your one page theme yet but Spectral works fine as a one pager. It's not that long of a page so people can scroll or hit the PgDn button. Don't need a menu for 3-4 page anchors.
I swapped out the images of course and the outdoor shots are from around this area. I'm rural too. I'm using my smtp contact and running gs 3.4 but I after seeing the security issues with 3.4, think I'm going to redo the site with 3.3x.
3.4 has some nice admin improvements but development is at a snail's pace. (4-5 years now?)
I've been putting all my site together with wordpress but getting sick of that game. UPGRADE TO OUR PRO VERSION is all it's about now.
Anywho, here she be. https://www.ozarkswebdesign.com/index.php