Zegnåt Wrote:Yes, GetSimple 2.03+ should work. But a plugin would be better.
If anyone else could try out the plugin and report back I’d be very grateful. I can’t figure out why Oleg keeps getting errors.
Hi there Zegnåt. Just out of interest sake I also had a problem when testing with Oleg06 the cart system where suddenly it started moaning about the headers already being sent etc.. I solved it by using index-pretemplate and index-posttemplate triggers to allow
and ob_flush();
to be executed. The reason I mention this is, wont it be worthwhile just to do a small test. Give him a version where the load.php has ob_start and ob_flush at beginning and end and see if the problem goes away.
Just a thought ?
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.