I don't want to look mad, it is still a great job but some tuning and properties are not so easy to set (especially for seo).
Would be great if this plugin was integrated in future versions of GetSimple.
About my needs :
Problem 1 :
My example is i am working a on a website to learn different languages with classes.
Let's say french, italian, german, spanish. These would be my categories in wp.
I would use wordpress_tags for levels of classes : beginner, intermediate, advanced.
One post would be in a category with a tag like : german beginner.
Now, in GS it is a little difficult as there are only tags.
Option 1 : same post will have german and beginner tags.
Then, when I will display categories in menu, i cannot use the built-in functions because typically I need my menu too look like :
* French
* German
* Italian
* Spanish
* Beginner
* Intermediate
* Advanced
So, I will need to have static menus. As long as I don't have 100 categories, it can be, why not.
Option 2 :
I was thinking to use Getsimple tags as wordpress categories.
For tags, I was thinking to use the getsimple search with the nm_search. Problem is that this method works with POST and not GET method. So I would need to copy it and change it.
Still thinking of what to do (and also canonical are important in SEO).
This is my first concern.
With Wordpress, I would typically use wp_categories and wp_tags.
Problem 2 :
SEO is important, to have visitors.
So, i have a page to present all my posts about the italian language.
something like https://www/mylanguageschool.com/languages/?tag=italian
It could be, but I would the elegant possibility to add some text on this page depending on the tag.
Text could be something like :
Why learn the italian language ? /*description for seo*/
/*List of posts with thetag italian*/
This is necessary for the SEO of this page.
Do you think I can do that quite cleanly ?
My needs :
40 "wordpress" categories and 20 "wordpress" tags
for about 200 posts (1 category will have 5 posts in average, 1 post in 1 category and 1 post will have 0,1 or 2 wordpress tags).
Would be great if this plugin was integrated in future versions of GetSimple.
About my needs :
Problem 1 :
My example is i am working a on a website to learn different languages with classes.
Let's say french, italian, german, spanish. These would be my categories in wp.
I would use wordpress_tags for levels of classes : beginner, intermediate, advanced.
One post would be in a category with a tag like : german beginner.
Now, in GS it is a little difficult as there are only tags.
Option 1 : same post will have german and beginner tags.
Then, when I will display categories in menu, i cannot use the built-in functions because typically I need my menu too look like :
* French
* German
* Italian
* Spanish
* Beginner
* Intermediate
* Advanced
So, I will need to have static menus. As long as I don't have 100 categories, it can be, why not.
Option 2 :
I was thinking to use Getsimple tags as wordpress categories.
For tags, I was thinking to use the getsimple search with the nm_search. Problem is that this method works with POST and not GET method. So I would need to copy it and change it.
Still thinking of what to do (and also canonical are important in SEO).
This is my first concern.
With Wordpress, I would typically use wp_categories and wp_tags.
Problem 2 :
SEO is important, to have visitors.
So, i have a page to present all my posts about the italian language.
something like https://www/mylanguageschool.com/languages/?tag=italian
It could be, but I would the elegant possibility to add some text on this page depending on the tag.
Text could be something like :
Why learn the italian language ? /*description for seo*/
/*List of posts with thetag italian*/
This is necessary for the SEO of this page.
Do you think I can do that quite cleanly ?
My needs :
40 "wordpress" categories and 20 "wordpress" tags
for about 200 posts (1 category will have 5 posts in average, 1 post in 1 category and 1 post will have 0,1 or 2 wordpress tags).