Hello Cath, let me see if I can walk you though it.
If you have already installed the plugin and activated it, go back to the Plugins tab and from the side menu choose "MutliBlock Settings".
Next, click the "Add New MultiBlock" button.
Here you will give it section a name and slug (holder), add your desired field types, and create a template to hold these fields.
For example:
Section Name= My Products
Slug = products
Slug = products
(click "Add New Field" 3 times)
Field Name | Slug | Default Value | Field TypeProduct Title | title | | Text
Product Image | photo | | image
Description | description | | Wysiwyg
Click save, and now click on the "Template" button to add your template.
For example:
<img src="<?php mbvaluetext('photo');?>">
<h4><?php mbvaluetext('title');?></h4>
<span style="color: grey"><?php mbvalue('valuename');?></span>
Click save and go to your Theme tab and edit theme.
Place <?php getMultiBlock('products');?> where you would like your new blocks to appear.
Finally, go to your Pages tab and click "MutliBlock".
Here you should see "My Products" in the dropdown list.
Choose Section, then click "Add New +" and populate your desired info.
Choose Section, then click "Add New +" and populate your desired info.
Hope this helps!