(2024-01-28, 00:09:50)islander Wrote: Did you try just using only:
PHP Code:<?php function_exists('get_i18n_header') ? get_i18n_header(true,array('generator')) : get_header(); ?>
without it being wrapped in <meta bla bla ... > ?
Hi Islander. You are the main supporter in the further development of GetSimple CMS, it seems.
What you proposed I use, at the moment, but I want to adapt the existing data extraction in "Meta descriptions" and implement it in "meta id". This I want to adapt, something like in the example below.
<meta id="schema_description" itemprop="description" content="Meta description example.">
i need
<meta id="schema_description" itemprop="description" content="insert PHP code">
change "insert PHP code" with the correct meta description text