2011-01-17, 00:23:31
The basic setup looks OK, you'll find another failed login from me though as I managed to use a lower case G first time through.
On the one page that has content, "computer-repairs" you've pasted an entire raw XHTML page into the editor rather than just the content for that page. You let GetSimple and its theme deal with the header, footer and menu links that are essentially unchanged from page to page, all you need is the text in your "text_1" div.
I've made a new page, Repairs2, as an example using the text from that div.
On the one page that has content, "computer-repairs" you've pasted an entire raw XHTML page into the editor rather than just the content for that page. You let GetSimple and its theme deal with the header, footer and menu links that are essentially unchanged from page to page, all you need is the text in your "text_1" div.
I've made a new page, Repairs2, as an example using the text from that div.