Perhaps you want to show child pages in the sidebar what I also tried hard to find out how, but found rather easy programming it in the template (see for the result) (plugin would be the more elegant place to do such a thing at, but this still works) (thanks to the useful page "Theme: Template Tags"):
Then add <?php echo($men);?> within the html-div element you styled as a sidebar.
// get children in the array $childli
foreach(menu_data() as $page){
// create html-ul list of linked child pages in $men
$men=' <h2>'.return_page_title().'</h2><ul>';
foreach($childli as $chslug=>$chtitl){
<li><a href="'.$chslug.'">'.$chtitl.'</a></li>');
$men ='';
Then add <?php echo($men);?> within the html-div element you styled as a sidebar.