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ckeditor vs tinymce
Joshas Wrote:We could offer tinyMCE and other alternative WYSIWYG editors as plugins, but it might need a little fixing in core, to turn off default editor.
I was looking at this, but I haven't found a way to overload CKEditor's initialization code, and I'm not a jscript geek :/

ccagle8 Wrote:For the newbies in the room, i find the start of this topic funny because in version 1 of GS, we used TinyMCE. Then in version 2, we switched it to CKEditor because of the complaints of the community about TinyMCE
Could you paste some feedback about this matter?
I have nothing against CKeditor from its visual side, but as I mentioned early, its output code leaves much to be desired. There's still 1 problem with CKedit. In all GS version I used (beginning with 2.02) the tab bar with advanced, hyperlink, and image info always appeared in topleft corner and it needed to be moved manually to be placed within image properties pop up window.

I attach a screenie with full tinymce window using a remaked by me small template to fit with GS.
I have to attach it only to page's content textarea window, as by default it attaches to all textareas.
And of course do a deeper testing + adjustments (disable unneeded buttons, add useful functions and so on).

I did this only for my personal purpose, as I haven't found (and I used latest ckeditor) a way to merge inline elements in output code. Although it was mentioned and asked for on CKeditor's board:
Found even a mergeSiblings() function in but there's not much about it.

If somebody did (or can) achieve this, then this thread becomes obsolete automatically.

FCKConfig.FillEmptyBlocks = false;
FCKConfig.IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue = true;

[Image: misc.php?item=538]
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Messages In This Thread
ckeditor vs tinymce - by yojoe - 2011-03-15, 04:19:43
ckeditor vs tinymce - by Connie - 2011-03-15, 04:47:47
ckeditor vs tinymce - by datiswous - 2011-03-15, 10:03:22
ckeditor vs tinymce - by Connie - 2011-03-15, 16:53:47
ckeditor vs tinymce - by datiswous - 2011-03-15, 21:18:51
ckeditor vs tinymce - by Joshas - 2011-03-15, 22:47:21
ckeditor vs tinymce - by mikeh - 2011-03-16, 00:05:26
ckeditor vs tinymce - by ccagle8 - 2011-03-16, 00:15:56
ckeditor vs tinymce - by mikeh - 2011-03-16, 00:20:32
ckeditor vs tinymce - by Joshas - 2011-03-16, 00:44:48
ckeditor vs tinymce - by yojoe - 2011-03-16, 01:38:20
ckeditor vs tinymce - by Joshas - 2011-03-16, 02:01:10
ckeditor vs tinymce - by yojoe - 2011-03-16, 02:15:45
ckeditor vs tinymce - by tazmandev - 2011-03-17, 09:02:42
ckeditor vs tinymce - by yojoe - 2011-03-17, 09:16:47

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