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how to make echo get_i18n_link($slug) work ?

To have a multilanguage menu in a site is by using:

<?php get_i18n_navigation(); ?>

However, I need to make a customized menu.

One way to make your own customized menu is by using:


<li><?php get_i18n_link(index); ?></li>
<li><?php get_i18n_link(about); ?></li>
<li><?php get_i18n_link(contact); ?></li>

But in my case what I really need is this:

echo '<ul>';
echo '<li>' . get_i18n_link(about) . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';

The problem here is that the part: echo get_i18n_link(about) does not work correctly
and outputs a 1

Is there a parameter to make echo get_i18n_link(about) work correctly

like echo get_i18n_link(about, false) or something like that ?

Messages In This Thread
how to make echo get_i18n_link($slug) work ? - by Felix - 2020-06-06, 18:43:10

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