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Multiple Domain Names pointing to same GS installation
What I am trying to achieve is that the same GetSimple content is served for different domain names that I own.
I.e., after entering the site, the client should keep seeing the domain name (s)he entered the site with
- in the browser URL line
- in the status line, etc., for all links, image tags, etc. that the user hovers over

Unfortunately, the GetSimple settings contain a simple URI to define the subdirectory in which GS and its contents reside, so it forces the for all further clicks.

The paths should be the same (as is the content), but the domain shouldn't revert to the one defined in the GS settings.

(It is not a big deal to define a server proxy, even from a different host/domain that one also owns, to point to the various pages, and the paths to all the pages of the basic GS installation work correctly, with the original domain name, but the domain name doesn't stick).

I am not really knowledgeable about rewrite rules and barely have a nodding knowledge of simple .htaccess files.
There seems to have been a 2011 plugin from dominioit (and even a demo site , which is still running), which seemed to manage multiple domains from the same GS installation (don't know if that also meant, shared content), but it is no longer available in GS extend (if it ever wasSad ).

Any suggestions or references to existing solutions (plugins, rewrite rules) in this forum or elsewhere (in that case, my apology for not finding the stuff myself)?
Is there a way to grab the referring domain name and force it in all references?
I already use get_site_url() in a component to prefix all internal links. Maybe it is just possible to patch the domain name before returning it from such a component.
Ideally, all relative links (e.g., in <img src=...> <a href=...>, some metatags) could be prefixed in a similar way.
But there may be smarter solutions.

Messages In This Thread
Multiple Domain Names pointing to same GS installation - by vanfruniken - 2017-07-01, 02:05:18

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