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google maps plugin
Quote:<?php gmap_header(); ?>
<div id="gmapcontainer"></div>
Not working in GS 2.3
stania Wrote:Not working in GS 2.3
singulae Wrote:Tested in version GS 3. Does not work with earlier versions.
See first post in this thread.
I noticed that the input of the balloon tip is escaped whenever you add or edit the configuration

see here:

<img src='' alt='Klecks' align='left' />Home of the WebDeern

was the input for the Balloon Tip, now it is

<img src=\\\'\\\' alt=\\\'Klecks\\\' align=\\\'left\\\' />Home of the WebDeern

so the map looks like this now:
[Image: klecks.jpg]

please do not escape too much ;=)

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I am also having trouble with this!! I wish I could get it sorted out, any help would be greatly appreciated I am going crazy trying to get it to work on GS 2.3.
londoncalling Wrote:I am also having trouble with this!! I wish I could get it sorted out, any help would be greatly appreciated I am going crazy trying to get it to work on GS 2.3.

Please don't go crazy!
You should update to GetSimple 3.0 as there is no guarantee that plugins work with outdated versions and the update is easy like a breeze, read the WIKI :

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

I have one question:

the balloon tip is open when the map is loaded and depending on the height of the map, the balloon tip is not completely visible

so there are 2 possibilities:

1) an option to show the balloon either opened or closed
2) or the option not to show the destination in the center of the map but maybe ask for coordinates (+-)

In my example, I would prefer to have the destination in the lower part of the map, like this;

that's how it is now:
[Image: map1.jpg]
and that's how I would like to have it:
[Image: map2.jpg]

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie: I haven't found, but does this plugin offer a way to set up own marker image ?
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
yojoe Wrote:Connie: I haven't found, but does this plugin offer a way to set up own marker image ?

Yes, you enter the URL of the image marker, it's :
"Path/URL of image for the placemark"

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
killmenow :/
How could I miss that field in plugin's options...
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
yojoe Wrote:killmenow :/

later ;=)

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Dear Singulae,

Sincerely thanks for your great Google Map plugin. Indeed a really needed plugin for all of us.

I just have one need (with one remark) :
The remark is :
as the "Balloon tip with extra information" field concern the "Address" field I think both "Balloon tip with extra information" and "Default map type" must switch they place (I means "Default map type" must be place after the "Balloon tip with extra information").

The need is :
I used your google map plugins with a zoom value to 1 to be able to see all the members of my association.
But currently we can just have one address on this map. The need is to be able to add more than one point of interest. I mean I need to point where are all my members on a world map (zoom=1). Then how can I add more than one Address (with its own corresponding Path/URL of image for the placemark and Balloon tip with extra information).

Just for information here are useful free customizable icons :

I hope you will be able to give us the way to add more address.

Sincerely thanks and have a nice day,

Miguipda ;-)
hello all,
Sorry for not answering some posts. I've been "offline" for some time ..
I note the requests and try to improve the plugin and add options.
I hope not to take too long ..
miguipda Wrote:Dear Singulae,

Sincerely thanks for your great Google Map plugin. Indeed a really needed plugin for all of us.

I just have one need (with one remark) :
The remark is :
as the "Balloon tip with extra information" field concern the "Address" field I think both "Balloon tip with extra information" and "Default map type" must switch they place (I means "Default map type" must be place after the "Balloon tip with extra information").

The need is :
I used your google map plugins with a zoom value to 1 to be able to see all the members of my association.
But currently we can just have one address on this map. The need is to be able to add more than one point of interest. I mean I need to point where are all my members on a world map (zoom=1). Then how can I add more than one Address (with its own corresponding Path/URL of image for the placemark and Balloon tip with extra information).

Just for information here are useful free customizable icons :

I hope you will be able to give us the way to add more address.

Sincerely thanks and have a nice day,

Miguipda ;-)

Maby this will help, I've needed map for every restaurant witch was describe at some of my site.
Im using:
Google map
my function
for that:
my function, placed in /theme/your_theme/functions.php:

function pokaz_mape($adress, $infotext, $zoom){
    'width'=> 400,
    'height' => 400,
    'address' => $adress,
    'zoom' => $zoom,
    'infotext' => $infotext,
    'maptype' => 'HYBRID',
    'image' => 'URL TO YOUR PLACE_ICO'

function gmap_header_2($config){        

    $infowindow = '';
        $infowindow = 'var contentString ="'.str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "<br />",$config['infotext']).'";
          var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: contentString});
          google.maps.event.addListener(marker, \'click\', function() {,marker);});';

    echo '    
<!-- Google map Plugin : start -->

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var gmap = {
  // unobtrusive way for call    window.onload
  addEvent: function (obj, evType, fn){
    if (obj.addEventListener){
      obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false);
      return true;
    } else if (obj.attachEvent){
      var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
      return r;
    } else {
      return false;

  init: function ()
    var gmapid = document.getElementById("gmapcontainer");
      var options = {
          zoom: '.$config['zoom'].',
          address: \''.$config['address'].'\',
          center: \'0,0\',
          scaleControl: false,
          mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.'.$config['maptype'].',
          mapTypeControl: true,
          mapTypeControlOptions: { style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.HORIZONTAL_BAR }
      var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();      
      geocoder.geocode( { \'address\': options.address}, function(results, status)
        if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK)
 = results[0].geometry.location;
          map = new google.maps.Map(gmapid,options);
          var image = \''.$config['image'].'\';
          var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map,  position:, title: options.address, icon: image });
        } else {
  gmap.addEvent(window, \'load\', gmap.init);
<style type="text/css">
  div#gmapcontainer {width:'.$config['width'].'px;height:'.$config['height'].'px}

<!-- Google map Plugin : end -->


component called 'gmapa'


code included on every page where map is needed in CKeditor.

{%gmapa 'Jana III Sobieskiego 2, Jelenia Góra, Polska', 'Jana III Sobieskiego 2', '17' %}

In short way, what I have done, is by using DynPages ability to passing arguments. I passed adress, ballon txt and zoom, to function pokaz_mape, where I've added other parametrs like width, default map type, etc.

In fact, You really don't need Google map plugin, but I'm using it anyway.

grs84pl Wrote:In short way, what I have done, is by using DynPages ability to passing arguments. I passed adress, ballon txt and zoom, to function pokaz_mape, where I've added other parametrs like width, default map type, etc.

In fact, You really don't need Google map plugin, but I'm using it anyway.


ok Grzegorz. Lot of thanks for your help and your function. We will study and try to expand the pluguin.
Dear singulae,

and ???...
Did you have time enough to give us the new release of your google map plugin with more than one flag on a map as requested ?

Sincerely thanks and have a nice day,

Miguipda ;-)
in Russia to Google's maps are very few cities, perhaps someone will make a plugin for Yandex maps?
miguipda Wrote:Dear singulae,

and ???...
Did you have time enough to give us the new release of your google map plugin with more than one flag on a map as requested ?

Sincerely thanks and have a nice day,

Miguipda ;-)

Dear Miguipda,

not being an easy task for me (code and time). Although 90% finished.

As we say in Spain: "La paciencia es la madre de la ciencia" ("Patience is the mother of science") or "las cosas de palacio van despacio"( "things of palace are moving slowly ")

Not long to go ...
Oleg06 Wrote:in Russia to Google's maps are very few cities, perhaps someone will make a plugin for Yandex maps?

I note your suggestion ..
Oleg06 Wrote:in Russia to Google's maps are very few cities, perhaps someone will make a plugin for Yandex maps?

I don't know, if Yandex is really better.
I just compared the region of Jakutsk in Google and Yandex:
  • the number of cities/villages shown is about the same
  • Yandex seems to have a bit more streets, although part of that seems to be caused by the face that Google only shows some streets (paths?) when zooming in a lot.
  • overlaying satellite and map Google streets seem to be off by quite some amount - Yandex seems slightly better.

And in Austria Yandex maps have nothing in common with reality. It seems the maps are at least 50 years old - major motorways are missing that exist for decades!
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
singulae Wrote:
miguipda Wrote:Dear singulae,

and ???...
Did you have time enough to give us the new release of your google map plugin with more than one flag on a map as requested ?

Sincerely thanks and have a nice day,

Miguipda ;-)

Dear Miguipda,

not being an easy task for me (code and time). Although 90% finished.

As we say in Spain: "La paciencia es la madre de la ciencia" ("Patience is the mother of science") or "las cosas de palacio van despacio"( "things of palace are moving slowly ")

Not long to go ...

Dear Singulae,

no problem. I am just so exiting to be able to have it... ;-)

Sincerely thanks for your time and your work on this plugin.

Take all the time you need to realize the perfect plugin.

Have a nice day,

Miguipda ;-)
singulae Wrote:Try this in your template:

<?php gmap_header(); ?>
<div id="gmapcontainer"></div>

Just wanted to say thank you for this plugin - works brilliantly in the sidebar of my contact page template with the code you provided above.

Being able to implement small things like this make clients happy, so I appreciate your effort.

Yandex maps are relevant only for Russia Smile
Hi all!

The new plugin is ready.

Google Map v2

This plugin displays a map of Google Maps on your website.

How to use:

- Fill in the basic fields: Name of the map, Width, Height, Zoom and Address. (The rest are optional).

- Go to the tab "Pages" and, in the page where you want to show the map, type the following label:
(% googlemap:name_of_your_map%) and replace "name_of_your_map" by the name of you map. (!)

- That's it. The label is replaced by the map when viewing your website.

- In ADVANCED SETTINGS you can change how the map is displayed and other options.


- Multiple maps in same page.
- Multiple markers in same map.
- Customize icons and shadow icons markers.

Any advice or improvement (easier) are welcome.

If no errors, I upload the plugin to EXTEND in a few days.

One question for all:
What is the best place to put the plugin menu? In the Plugins section or in Pages section?

Thank you all. Enjoy it.
singulae Wrote:One question for all:
What is the best place to put the plugin menu? In the Plugins section or in Pages section?

Thank you all. Enjoy it.


gracias por tu trabajo!

I will check it out and try to find an answer for your question!

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:singulae,

gracias por tu trabajo!

I will check it out and try to find an answer for your question!

Cheers, Connie

Ok. Connie.

Danke to you ;P

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