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get_navigation - Sub pages, active state.
Hi there,

Have just made my first Getsimple CMS site...took me 2 hrs to make my entire flat site cms driven (I'm officially impressed)!

Anyhow, that a side I did come across one little problem in regards to using the "current" tag for menu items when using the get_navigation tag. My site is predominantly a "one level site" but I do have one section of the site that has pages beneath it. Those sub pages are not suppose to appear in the navigation but I still want the "parent page" to remain the "current" page in terms of what's being highlighted. Any ideas how this can be achieved??

You can see the page I'm referring to in action here, if you click one of the "services" you'll see the top level nav. loosing it's "current state".

Many thanks,
gotlisch Wrote:Anyhow, that a side I did come across one little problem in regards to using the "current" tag for menu items when using the get_navigation tag. My site is predominantly a "one level site" but I do have one section of the site that has pages beneath it. Those sub pages are not suppose to appear in the navigation but I still want the "parent page" to remain the "current" page in terms of what's being highlighted. Any ideas how this can be achieved??

You can use the I18N plugin, as you can see here (the breadcrumbs show the page hierarchie, but the page itself is not in the menu - it works the same for a simple one-level menu bar).

Just replace get_navigation with get_i18n_navigation, more information can be found here.

P.S.: nice site.

P.P.S.: wow, my 400th post, I'm a Guru now!
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Hi Martin,

Thanks for getting back to me! I was actually already using your custom fields plug-in, installed the rest as well worked a charm - thanks a lot!!!

Actually, I noticed a slight problem with your plug-in, it doesn't seem to like "fancy urls". My site broke the first time I tried to get it up and running. I the re-installed the lot but when I then went to activate "fancy urls" i realised that's what cause the problem in the first place...any ideas?
gotlisch Wrote:Actually, I noticed a slight problem with your plug-in, it doesn't seem to like "fancy urls". My site broke the first time I tried to get it up and running. I the re-installed the lot but when I then went to activate "fancy urls" i realised that's what cause the problem in the first place...any ideas?

What's the problem? Lots of people (including myself) are running it with fancy urls with no problems.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Basically the nav/page stops working - see here:
gotlisch Wrote:Basically the nav/page stops working - see here:

This looks like your rewrite rules in the .htaccess file do not exist or are messed up. I expect you get the same error without I18N plugin.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Hi Martin,

You were right, thanks for that!

I have one more question for you though - hopefully it's not self inflicted this time. I've added a custom filed and specified it as an image however the "browse" feature doesn't work for me. When I click it the pop up is launched but it's a blank page. I have tried it in several different browsers (FF, Ch, IE) with the same result. I've included a screen grab, do you have any idea what it might be? (when I paste the path to the image into the input field it works just fine).

Also, completely unrelated question but do you know if there's any way of adding "h1, h2, h3" tags to the wysiwyg nav in the "page editing" page in the admin.

gotlisch Wrote:I have one more question for you though - hopefully it's not self inflicted this time. I've added a custom filed and specified it as an image however the "browse" feature doesn't work for me. When I click it the pop up is launched but it's a blank page. I have tried it in several different browsers (FF, Ch, IE) with the same result. I've included a screen grab, do you have any idea what it might be? (when I paste the path to the image into the input field it works just fine).

Sounds like you don't have sitewide cookies enabled (in gsconfig.php)

gotlisch Wrote:Also, completely unrelated question but do you know if there's any way of adding "h1, h2, h3" tags to the wysiwyg nav in the "page editing" page in the admin.

In the drop down list of the parent page? I don't think so, but don't see a reason for it either (?)
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Brilliant, that did the trick!! Thanks again. Re "h1, h2" thing, I was refering to the WSIWYG tool bar (see attached screen grab), would like option of adding heading tags using that without having to switch to source mode.
gotlisch: just uncomment advanced GSEDITORTOOL in gsconfig file.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
yes, you should configure the editor

it's all in the WIKI:

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Brilliant, that worked a treat!!!

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