2011-04-18, 07:33:44
GetSimple version: 3.0
Error description:
Error creating thumbnails for images larger then 585x500.
Jcrop trueSize parameter is not set in file admin/image.php at line 120. As a result Jcrop returns bad coordinates for all images larger then 585x500 because of image scaling.
Add following line:
trueSize: [ <?php print("$imgwidth, $imgheight"); ?> ]
just after
var api = $.Jcrop('#cropbox',{
Error description:
Error creating thumbnails for images larger then 585x500.
Jcrop trueSize parameter is not set in file admin/image.php at line 120. As a result Jcrop returns bad coordinates for all images larger then 585x500 because of image scaling.
Add following line:
trueSize: [ <?php print("$imgwidth, $imgheight"); ?> ]
just after
var api = $.Jcrop('#cropbox',{