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The upper limit of GetSimple
I'm curious about the upper limit of GetSimple. The mission statement mentions a target audience of sites with 1 to 15 pages. But how big is too big? Is there an estimate of how many pages it would take to push it beyond usability?
The guy you want to talk to is mikeh. I think he made a 500 page site and it worked fine... if you take a look thru the forums, I think someone published stats on how fast XX many pages work.
- Chris
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Wow. That's much higher than I expected.

I just discovered GetSimple, and the more I use it, the better it gets. But, because of that target audience size, I was thinking it would be quickly outgrown. Now I've altered my thinking.

mikem Wrote:Wow. That's much higher than I expected.

I just discovered GetSimple, and the more I use it, the better it gets. But, because of that target audience size, I was thinking it would be quickly outgrown. Now I've altered my thinking.


If needed I don't think it would take much work to use GS with a database rather then xml files. But I have a site with over 500 pages that runs fairly fast given the amount of graphics and videos on each page. It also gets over 100k pageviews a day and does not take up too much resources.
That's good to know, on both points. Thanks, Mike.
Hi Mikeh,

Can you please link the 500 page website you mention? I'd be happy to look at the code and the structure and test loading speed with few tools.

Big thanks!
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London Design Studio
svedish Wrote:Hi Mikeh,

Can you please link the 500 page website you mention? I'd be happy to look at the code and the structure and test loading speed with few tools.

Big thanks!
It is experiencing some issues right now due to some files getting corrupted during a recent transfer.
It's a lovely website. Well done. Smile

The home page loads 3.2Mb of data. Wow! That's a lot.
Even the longest journey starts with just one step
London Design Studio
Hi there,
this discussion is one of the older ones but I´m still interested if there is an upper limit of pages GetSimple can manage. In this and one other tread were two examples mentioned of websites with about 500 pages, but both don´t exist anymore. Has anyone of you experiences with websites in GetSimple which have lots of pages?
Thank you
#10 Wrote:GetSimple was built specifically for the small-site market, but XML has proved absolutely the best option for data storage for sites from one page to over a hundred pages. [citation needed]

They ( the theads ) still exist, the redirects to the new forum threads is broken, you can find them by searching cleverly still.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
thank you, that was very helpful.

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