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Removing Home Page from Menu
Is there a way to not have the home page listed on the main menu?
Edit page -> options -> Add this page to menu -- check off.
Yep, I've done all that and the home page still appears in the menu. Could that be a thing that gets fixed if I upgrade to 3.1.2?
Not sure, but could be. I tested with GS 3.1.2. What version are you using?
Make a full backup before upgrading just in case.
We are running 3.0.

Yeah, definitely need to back up.
I have done it where you have a 'splash page' which is the index page - you know maybe a big picture and 'click here to enter the site' which then takes you in to a Welcome page with a nav menu. I don't recall there being any difficulty. Here is one in GS:
Make sure the actual template does not have a home link in it. That could cause the problem. Either way, we always recommend updating GetSimple CMS to the latest version.

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