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.htaccess blocks all images from website
I installed GetSimple into a subfolder of our webspace and had to manually rename the (temp).htaccess file.

When I now try to visit my getsimple page, I get a server error message. When I instead copy the .htaccess file into the parent folder, I can visit the (now unsecured) GetSimple page, but when I visit our main website, no images are displayed.

What should I do now to get my GetSimple installation working and the images working on the rest of the website?
What are you running this on ?
The temp htaccess has to be edited, it does not contain workin information for your path.

Did you set the siteurl properly ?
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
It's a Linux webhoster. They don't allow chmodding directly over FTP, only in their customer's admin panel under folder permissions, where it's called "write access for webserver". I'm not sure if it's the chmod issue that causes the .htaccess file to act weird.

I did see the **replace** part in the .htaccess file and changed it with the name of the subfolder, but it won't help anything.
I noticed the images are only broken in Firefox, but still show up when I use Chrome or IE. That still doesn't make it better though.
which web host are you using?
have you asked them what they advise?
also, do check our wiki page regarding specific web hosts, have you followed any directions specific to your host?
Our webhoster is Genotec, which was recently bought up by Green.

It's not the first software I install on on our webspace and don't understand why a database-free script like GetSimple would cause such problems.
That's what I thought...

"Tell us your webhoster! I'm sure it's the webhosters fault! It can't be that GetSimple doesn't work!"

...then I tell you my webhoster...

"What's Genotec, what's Green?! Never heard of them! I don't care!"

Now what?
I found out I have to delete the line

"Options -Indexes"

in .htaccess so that the CMS works. The images are still broken in Firefox though, in all other browsers they work. I found others with the same problem in other software, they suggest to add images as an exception:

Can I just copy & paste this solution or is there something I need to pay attention to in GetSimple?
if you have to delete the "Options - indexes" directive to have GS working, you really have an exotic server configuration
I tell you that I use that directive all the time without negative results.

Please do us a favour: do not be angry but give more detailled information:

RewriteBase is a very sensitive directive and you do not tell us what you entered there and we do not know the content of your .htaccess file nor the structure of your installation / server space.

So, please do not be impatient (I have the feeling you are kind of aggressive now), but be confirmed that we all have no magic powers, nobody here is a fortuneteller, so we need more detailled information.

1) in which directory sits the GetSimple installation?
2) show us your .htaccess file. How can I imagine the content of that file?
3) give us the URL of your site so we can check ourselve?
4) How did you include the images, using the editor to include them or pasting the generated HTML-code from the files-administration?

"Can I just copy & paste this solution or is there something I need to pay attention to in GetSimple? "
this is something which you can test yourself very fast: add it to the file, check your site with an empty browser cache, if it works, it is ok, if not you can delete it immediately

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
More information about the webhost and htaccess:

1) public_html/gs/
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

# blocks direct access to the XML files - they hold all the data!
<Files ~ "\.xml$">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
<Files sitemap.xml>
        Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    Satisfy All

RewriteEngine on

# Usually it RewriteBase is just '/', but
# replace it with your subdirectory path
RewriteBase /gs/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*\.(ico|gif|css|png|js|jpe?g)$ [NC]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule /?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]

3) No.
4) The images of the theme were uploaded through FTP, the images for the single pages using the files upload of GS, then placed into the pages with the links displayed when clicking them.
If images are not working it usually means your site url is wrong or does not match your htaccess file.

You need to clearly post your setup.

url path
file path
siteurl config in settings.
contents of htaccess
fancyurls on/off
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

I'm a user, not a developer. It's up to you to give us a working software. I'm not going to fiddle around in our webhost's configuration, do mistakes and have them repair everything for money.

You have copypasta of our htaccess file and I clearly stated that the images won't show up in Firefox only, they work in all other browsers.
These are general settings you control.

you put it on your sever, in your selected subfolder.
you set the site url
you set your htaccess file up.

Rather than being a dick about , you could just post the information we are asking for to help you with.
Otherwise wtf do we care about helping you, its free software dude. We are volunteers, get it ?
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
And what is this ?

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*\.(ico|gif|css|png|js|jpe?g)$ [NC]

Thats not in our temp file
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2012-12-07, 02:02:05)bugmenot Wrote: ...Hello-oh?

I'm a user, not a developer. It's up to you to give us a working software. I'm not going to fiddle around in our webhost's configuration, do mistakes and have them repair everything for money.

You have copypasta of our htaccess file and I clearly stated that the images won't show up in Firefox only, they work in all other browsers.

Please understand that we are doing our best to solve your problem. But we're not magical; we do not automatically know everything about you, your website, your server, your configuration, etc.

Help us help you. We need a bit more info. And this is free open source software. Which means we have no obligation to help people like you that are being rude for no reason. Now, let's work together to get your site working, OK? Smile
I told you everything I know, I have no clue where to switch "fancyurls" and "siteurl config". Furthermore I'm not going to tell you our website as nobody has to know our company is having difficulties with it.
(2012-12-10, 18:43:41)bugmenot Wrote: I told you everything I know, I have no clue where to switch "fancyurls" and "siteurl config". Furthermore I'm not going to tell you our website as nobody has to know our company is having difficulties with it.

Go to your admin area. click on Settings
you have an option: Fancy URLs. Also, Site URL is another setting.
We do not need the real actual domain, sigh.
Have you even read the wiki ?

I already told you its probably your hotlinking rewrite script that you put in your htaccess file.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

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