2013-05-04, 09:14:59 (This post was last modified: 2013-05-05, 17:12:51 by hd.)
i have a new problem
After updating my website to GetSimple Version 3.2.1(from 3.2) following the Wiki Update advises the admin pages of the site suddenly are pretty slow. What happens seems to be that the first php file being loaded takes very long(from 7s to 30s and more) to load while the rest follows with normal speed.
This is what Opera Dragonfly tells me about load times of the first php:
51.11 ms Scheduling request
0.12 ms Writing request header
0.18 ms Writing request body
30314.03 ms Waiting for response
0.13 ms Reading response header
236.68 ms Reading response body
77.16 ms Processing response
30679.40 ms Duration
Firefox' Firebug shows me similar load times.
The user page loads quite fast as usual, it happens only for the admin pages(all of them). If worked well with GetSimple 3.2 and did so again after i returned to my 3.2 backup. Since it's only the admin pages i don't suspect my hoster or my internet connection to be the culprit.
This happens only on my webspace(Strato) not on my local WAMP Server.
I tried the following without success:
- Change back from PHP5.3 to 5.2
- Use Firefox instead of Opera
- Disable most of the plugins that are not needed by the website itself(but for admin purposes such as hitcount ...)
- New install of GetSimple 3.2.1 instead of copying of over 3.2, then adding the website data again.
- Debug mode and error log shows nothing
- Website check: All integrity checks, permissions etc are ok, but the version check of GetSimple does not work: GetSimple Version 3.2.1
Upgrade Check Failed !
The same happens on the Plugins page for GetSimple installation and all plugins.
Any ideas?
Need more information?
I've tried everything i could think of
[Edit]Corrected GetSimple version nr.
Changed title since this issue has turned out to be unrelated to the GS update to 3.2.1.
GetSimple Upgrade was from 3.2 to 3.2.1.
Sorry, i confused that in my post, it was rather late yesterday...
Disabling version checking in gs config did not help. Now that you mentioned it i also tried to change some other options that may have something to do with performance, but nothing made any difference.
Debug mode shows nothing.
Here's an excerpt of gs config so you can see what options i changed for testing:
PHP Code:
# Turn on debug mode define('GSDEBUG', TRUE);
# Make login cookie available sitewide. define('GSCOOKIEISSITEWIDE', TRUE);
# Ping search engines upon sitemap generation? define('GSDONOTPING', 1);
# Turn off CSRF protection. Uncomment this if you keep receiving the error message "CSRF error detected..." #define('GSNOCSRF', TRUE);
# Disable loading of external CDN versions of scripts (jQuery/jQueryUI) define("GSNOCDN",true);
# Forces suppression of php errors when GSDEBUG is false, despite php ini settings #define('SUPPRESSERRORS',true);
# Disable check for Apache web server, default false define('GSNOAPACHECHECK', true);
# Disable header version check define('GSNOVERCHECK', true);
# Disable Sitemap generation and menu items define('GSNOSITEMAP',true);
All these GSNOxy options where disabled before and of course i enabled only one at a time to see if it makes any difference. Unfortunatly nothing changed the behaviour.
I am fairly certain it is GSNOVERCHECK, and the header version checking that is timing out.
Does health check show curl available ?
Can you check data/other/logs/error
Also if you pm me details i will gladly look at your site to figure this out and get you back up.
I am assuming you can go back to 3.2 though if you wanted
data/other/logs/error shows no new errors. (well, there was a problem yesterday when i deleted all cookies in my browser for a test - obviously hitcount doesn't like that. But i'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the slow down problem since it was slow before i did that.)
Yes, i'm on Windows(Vista 32bit).
I first extracted and copied everything over the existing installation as suggested. When this started to make problems i deleted everything(it's always good to have a backup!), copied the GetSimple 3.2.1 into the empty space and added the content after that. That did not help as i hoped
Yes, i can go back to 3.2. Most fortunate my hoster allows me to switch the website root to a subdir so switching forth and back is easy. The new 3.2.1 is in the standard root dir, the old installation in a subdir.
I have reviewed all code diff between versions and see nothing that would be causing this.
There is simply no major changes I noticed.
Offer still stands, I can add some debugging info and look for clues on your site but other than that I have no idea. Your browser shows that its the php resource that is tied up, no other files ?
Do static pages do this ? Like say "Support".
Only other thing I can think of is to narrow it down, adding debug info to the includes find where the delay is. common, basic, cache, plugins, version check, style.php,
You say its not front end, so that helps narrow it down a bit.
I am still going with version check, why is it failing.
2013-05-05, 03:16:42 (This post was last modified: 2013-05-05, 03:26:50 by hd.)
Lots of questions, try to answer as much as possible:
- It happens for all admin pages, but some like support load faster(~7s) than others(plugins ~30s).
- it's a small site, 7 pages
- i've downloaded the 3.2.1 zip from the normal "download" link.
- i did a fast search for "loadtab" in my plugins folder, no result.
My plugins:
Innovation Theme Settings Settings for the default GetSimple theme: Innovation
Version 1.2 — Author: Chris Cagle Deactivate
Send Anonymous Data GetSimple needs your anonymous data so we can understand our users better. It's completely voluntary and will help us improve our product.
Version 1.0 — Author: Chris Cagle Deactivate
Mp3 Player Ultimate Place mp3 player inside of page contents in specific TAGS. Thanks to alienee2 (Marc) for all the help.
Version 0.2e — Author: Johannes Pretorius Deactivate
HitCount Counts page hits and visitors
Version 2.1 — Author: Martin Vlcek Deactivate
i18n_base.php Disabled Plugin Activate
i18n_navigation.php Disabled Plugin Activate
kt block login Block an ip adress after 3 failed login attempts from login for 1 hour
Version 2.0 — Author: MWK Deactivate
MLD Newsletter Newsletter plugin for GS
Version 0.8 — Author: Leen Moerland Deactivate
Auto-open Page Options Automatically opens the page options when editing pages
Version 1.0 — Author: Martin Vlcek Deactivate
Updater Keep your GetSimple installation and plugins up to date
Version 1.0.1 — Author: Reed Murphy Deactivate
Multi User Adds Multi-User Management - Edit all options for current users and manage permissions.
Version 1.8.2 — Author: Mike Henken Deactivate
SEO Manager Manage SEO process
Version 1.0 — Author: Mike Henken Deactivate
I'll try your suggestion for common.php later.
If this does not help i could make a guest account fo you to log in. Would this be the GetSimple admin panel or the hosters ftp login?
I've replaced common.php with the version from the 3.2.0 zip file, no improvement
2013-05-05, 05:02:51 (This post was last modified: 2013-05-05, 05:06:05 by hd.)
yes, version check still fails. I don't know if i have to disable GSNOVERCHECK for that but i tried it both ways, no success.
If you mean the flush button on the settings page, yes, i've used that many times.
btw., version checking seems to have a more general problem as well: with GS 3.2.0 i get the following result on the health check page:
yes, there's something fishy about caching.
After i pressed "flush all caches" on settings page of the old, working GS 3.2.0 version, the /data/cache subdir is empty except two files: .htaccess and stylesheet.txt. I guess that's what's supposed to happen(there's no description in the wiki about flush).
But: right after that the admin pages got slow just as in the updated 3.2.1 version. So i guess it has little to do with the update itself but with me pressing "flush" in the update process. The update check(wich showed the irritating ok for 3.2.0 i've just posted) starts to fail at the same time.
Even more remarkable seems to me(while i have no in-depth knowledge) that the cache dir does not fill up with data again. I did a test and copied the cache files back in from a backup and everything was fast again - but outdated...
Another thought:
Maybe the GS admin php cannot reach the moved GS server?
What would be the URL it would be looking for?
I could ask my hoster if they have a clue why my site cannot reach that URL(while others can like you showed, well and my home testserver can too).
Or do you have some testcode for me to insert somewhere to test this theory?
Hmm we'll I do know that some hosts have an issue with curl timeouts, curious why you are only now having this issue on this version. And why novercheck is not fixing it.
I have a fix for this timeout issue or rather an attempt in 3.3
It's still strange maybe it cannot write the cache files?
I can write something up to dump debug info if you don't mind further testing or give me FTP and gs access.
I'm fine with doing more testing, no problem.
I'm very thankful for all your help and if i can give the community something back by helping testing i'm glad to do so.
If it's easier for you i can give you FTP access but if it's as simple as replacing an php file or adding some code i will happily do it myself. I'm learning a lot now and i want to learn more about this.
i've played a bit more:
- when i activate the new GS 3.2.1 installation and copy old cache files into the cache dir, everything runs smooth as with the older GS 3.2.0 installation. So it's really only a cache issue and has actually nothing to do with the upgrade. I'll change the thread title to show this. I thought it was related to the upgrade since i do not work too regularly on this site and since i've never pressed the flush button the actual issue have have been existed for quite some time.
- I've added an info.php file and tried to interpret the output. For me it looks like cURL is activated and should work fine but if you want to have a look yourself i'll pm you the link.
So basically i can work now with the upgrade 3.2.1 version of my site and just have to solve the cache an check update issue.
Notice: Undefined variable: curl in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php on line 1069 Warning: curl_errno() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php on line 1069 Notice: Undefined variable: curl in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php on line 1070 Warning: curl_error() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php on line 1070 Notice: Undefined variable: curl in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php on line 1069 Warning: curl_errno() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php on line 1069 Notice: Undefined variable: curl in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php on line 1070 Warning: curl_error() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php on line 1070 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php:1069) in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/cookie_functions.php on line 23 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/template_functions.php:1069) in /mnt/web6/e0/14/52434614/htdocs/admin/inc/cookie_functions.php on line 24
Ok well first off it seems that i18n is checking for updates all the time for some reason.
And something is pulling core even when it should be disabled.
this is from the "pages" page.
shall i check other pages?
Shall i remove the i18n plugin? It's disabled anyway, i just did add it sometime and never really needed it.(single language site because of content that's only relevant locally).