Quote:PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in /admin/inc/logging.class.php:44So, logg files default have ANSI encoding, but parser required UTF8.
Stack trace:
/admin/inc/logging.class.php(44): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('<?xml version="...')
/admin/inc/login_functions.php(36): GS_Logging_Class->__construct('failedlogins.lo...')
/admin/inc/common.php(250): include_once('/home/r/r7nebor...')
/admin/index.php(14): include('/home/r/r7nebor...')
#4 {main}
thrown in
/admin/inc/logging.class.php on line 44
In my incident i use cirilliс login and authorization took place successfully. But once at authorization the server started giving out a mistake No. 500. Probably I made a mistake in the form of my template that led to rewriting of log file, in a consequence of that at authorization there was the above mistake (№500).
Thus, a change ANSI to UTF8 at log files (/data/other/loggs/) and the problem was resolved.
In order to avoid this problem from other users, edit the php code to log files were created in UTF encoding.