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More on Components...
(this is a problem wrapped in a feature request ;-)

I'd previously mentioned that I think Components are so useful/needed in GetSimple that they should have their own top-level tab.

Additionally, I think that tab should have an interface for managing components. Further it might be nice to have access to the components while on the "Edit Theme" page (perhaps loaded in via the sidevbar?)

So.. here's the problem. Once you make a component, you can only delete it - not Rename it from within the web UI (unless I missed this feature). I think this needs to be addressed.
badcat Wrote:(this is a problem wrapped in a feature request ;-)

I'd previously mentioned that I think Components are so useful/needed in GetSimple that they should have their own top-level tab.

Additionally, I think that tab should have an interface for managing components. Further it might be nice to have access to the components while on the "Edit Theme" page (perhaps loaded in via the sidevbar?)

So.. here's the problem. Once you make a component, you can only delete it - not Rename it from within the web UI (unless I missed this feature). I think this needs to be addressed.

I would agree with the renaming. Just out of curiosity, what do you mean an interface for managing components? Isn't that what is already there?
I can't design for shit but I can code the shit out of your design
Derek Wrote:Just out of curiosity, what do you mean an interface for managing components? Isn't that what is already there?
Yes - I suppose that IS the interface for managing - I should probably have said - a more robust interface, including Editing, Collapsing etc... Smile
We need some simple plugin and components system. Wordpress did it well with the sidebars, but Jaws cms did the best job! Just drag and drop.
Users need to get the change to manage the comp and plugins, not with hard code in the edit template tab...
Not every user is as good in programming than we areWink
The reasoning behind why the components are setup the way they are is that it's been my experience that a small site like GetSimple targets doesn't have too many reasons to change their sidebar layout around. They do however always want to make text changes. I felt this was the most important thing - so thats the way I initially coded it.

I do think there are improvements to be made around this feature, so I would like to hear everyone's stories of how they are using the Components feature. I think the largest and most important hurdles are:

1. Make it easier to manage them. Make the title editable & make them collapsible or something to make it easier to sort thru them.

2. How to make components work cross-theme. I am not sure this is *that* important, but it would be cool if we could find a way to include specific components with a theme.
- Chris
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i think components are targeted for things like "putting a Google Analytics code" or "adding a short description somewhere". And for this purpose components as coded right now are perfect. Please keep it this simple Sad
Someone - thats exactly what I originally had it for... If any of the features I outlined above make it more difficult for the end user, then it definitely won't be implemented. Like I said in the mission statement post... I like features, but only if they are a benefit to everyone including the designer AND the user.
- Chris
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How hard is it and how useful does anyone else think it would be to implement the basic HTML Editor into the Components that's already integrated into the Pages interface?

I think things like "Latest News" or "Latest Specials" might be useful for component areas, but for someone not familiar with coding, they might find it hard to style the information contained in them. Obviously this doesn't apply for all things that will be included in Component areas, but if there was an option to toggle the editor like there is in the pages, it wouldn't matter.
Did no one have any ideas or suggestions on how I could implement the HTML editor into the components section?

I think it's a good idea. If the HTML editor is enabled via the Settings tab, then I think it should also be enabled in components... I just haven't implemented it.
- Chris
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but you wont be able to use it for php scripts... i am certainly against it
someone - i never thought of that...
- Chris
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Hmm...I didn't think of that either. You've gotta be able to have scripts work too. Would there be a way to toggle different "types" of components (like script or no-script), so that if a php script is needed, the HTML Editor isn't on, but if it's something basic like contact info, it can be? Either that or be able to assign a regular page to particular component section?

Maybe I'm asking too much of it. I'm just thinking ahead of how some people might actually use the given component section to feature product specials or news updates and want to change that information and/or images, and style it differently. They would still have the freedom to edit the section as needed, but without being held to the limits of one given style for that particular section.
Well, I'd like to weigh in here. I'm new to GetSimple (as of this past Saturday). Now, I'm a web designer with years of experience and it seems that most folks here are also. But ... are WE who GS is for? It seems to me, or at least this is how I plan my marketing spin, that GS was designed to drive a simple web site, managed by the end user (the site's owner). That's not necessarily the web designer or web developer who set it up.

Do we want this forum to become over run with newbies who have no clue about how to login to make a blog post, let alone access their cPanels to create a database? Forums are supposed to be helpful, and so far this is one of the most polite and helpful forums I've seen.

I think the simpler, the better for everyone concerned, especially the end user. Just my two cents for the day. Smile
Pixelita Designs
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when making changes in component feature, please consider my plugin&componenets proposal in feature request topic
pixelita Wrote:But ... are WE who GS is for? It seems to me, or at least this is how I plan my marketing spin, that GS was designed to drive a simple web site, managed by the end user (the site's owner).

I couldn't agree more with that statement Pixelita
- Chris
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ccagle8 Wrote:
pixelita Wrote:But ... are WE who GS is for? It seems to me, or at least this is how I plan my marketing spin, that GS was designed to drive a simple web site, managed by the end user (the site's owner).

I couldn't agree more with that statement Pixelita

Which is exactly why I suggested the HTML editor being turned on for even the components sections. Any "end user" who isn't at all tech savvy and isn't willing to become tech savvy, is going to be annoyed with trying to make something look a certain way and not being able to see it in a WYSIWYG interface before it's published.

I do fully agree that there should be an ability to put php code directly into the components sections if needed, but surely there's a way to have both options?

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