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GS Evolve Theme
My next theme - to your attention...
This project is an excellent Evolve theme integration to GetSimple CMS which uses the full power of JQuery.
GS Evolve is not only good-looking, professionally designed, but also fast. Theme used dynamic scripts loading, it handles only those resources that are needed for a particular page. All used scripts are free, provided under the GPL and MIT licenses.
Theme basic features:
  • Adaptive (full responsive) theme.
  • Animated multilevel drop-down menu (based on Superfish and JPanelMenu scripts for best rendering on PC or mobile devices).
  • i18n multi-language support.
  • 15 ready to use components with i18n support (information generated from pages content).
  • Awesome JSSOR slider "LayerSlider" with an impressive effects (information generated from pages content).
  • 3 kinds of slideshow and 2 kinds of galleries.
  • Built-in Alert boxes, Tooltips, Tabs & Accordion elements.
  • FAQ system preparation; over 600 icons; animated presentation elements and much more.
  • Expanded theme settings management in administration page.
  • 14 prepared color schemes for appearance modification.
Theme settings can be managed in separate administration page. This requires "Theme_Settings" plugin activation (mentioned plugin are included in themes archive). If these plugin not activated - theme will work without them with default settings.
Themes administration page accessible on tab: Theme -> Configure Theme. Page includes 8 areas - one general and 7 additional.
In the common area you can enter the site owner contact phone (it will appear in the Header). Site's default language - useful when your site has one language and this language is not "en_US" (Anyway you must have this language themes translation file). Site's slogan field's value shows in the Header after site name(if entered). Enable or disable search form and contact form usage (required data files will be generated and modified automatically). Enable "Meta description" showing on Title Bar (its value will be displayed below Page name). Choose a favorite color scheme from the 14 already prepared color schemes or use "Parallax Title Bar" scheme which uses background image for Title Bar area (selected scheme preview can be immediately see in the area on the right). And insert slogan for SEO (Invisible but very useful for SEO ratings impovement, because embeded in Header between H1 tags).
In the area "Contact information" you can enter all kinds of personal or organization contact information, which will be displayed in the contact form, in the Header and Footer. In the area "Social networking settings" you can activate the appropriate social network resources. In order that the required network links to be shown in public pages you need to save it in the appropriate field. If the field is empty - that link will not be displayed. If in the field is entered symbol # - the network icon will be displayed but will have no links.
Theme comes with 15 ready to use components that extends theme appearance, content rendering and shows GS Evolve elements usage possibilities. A required component with single mouse click can be attach to your site or disabled if not needed. Import process to the GetSimple core performed automatically.
In the block "Jssor Slider settings" you can create a new slide show, or adjust the current settings. Component gives you full management of all the slide parameter settings. Each parameter has a context-sensitive help. During the development process all transitions effects functioning can be viewed in a special window interactively. Detailed this area description can be found on our FAQ page.
Block "Javascript activation settings" can be used for manage Javascript main codes loading - to connect requared scripts or disable unused. But you have to know that this codes disabling may affect the functioning of the theme.
You can also set Google Maps element using. This item will be displayed in special DIV element on your Contact form page.
The last block can be used to set elements and the information displaing in the footer area. You can choose from 3 already established schemes: Full, Middle and Minimal. Certain selected schemes preview can be immediately see in the area on the right.
Theme settings area supports i18n module and supplied with 3 language packs (English, Lithuanian and Russian).
All components of this theme is also compatible with i18n module, ie, they will render information exactly in the language that chosen by the user. Information generated from specialized pages content.
Theme has animated main Slide show on the home page, which is realized on JSSOR slider component (LayerSlider). Content generated from specialized pages. Also has site content search engine compatible with i18n plugin. Search results will be displayed on a separate page. If on your site is installed i18n_search plugin - it will be used in the search. Otherwise will be used an internal search engine.
All used in the theme resources (fonts, scripts, images, etc.) is located locally, it is included in the theme archive file. So, the theme will work in local networks without Internet access (Intranet or localhost servers).
[Image: preview.jpg]

The theme has an opportunity to add to your site demo data structure (for training purposes). If you want to take advantage of this opportunity - upload to your server directory "Demo" content (This file provided separately only on my site). Demo structure install instructions (file install.txt) included in the archive file. In the demo data files all absolute paths changed to relative, so the content has to operate anywhere.
Installation instructions:
Download and unzip the archive folder „Evolve“ to your site themes folder. Activate theme. Additionally, in order to achieve the theme settings page unzip the archive plugins directory content to the site folder plugins. Activate plugins. You can edit the settings on tab Theme - button Configure Theme.

More detailed description in English, Lithuanian and Russian and downloadable sources can be find on my site (see it LIVE):

All components usage descriptions you can find on GS Evolve FAQ page:
Whoa, this looks very promising.
I'm using only small sites so I won't use it, it has too much features for me! Smile

Nice job anyway
Contact me if you need a french translation file for your plugin.
awsome work!!!

tried for a couple of hours your theme - it is much, much better than others.

i'm going to setup my homepage with your theme, so maybe i come up with some questions in the next days Smile


This theme really looks nice but... I can't use components.

I checked JSSOR Slider, I do have the 3 .jpg files on my local server. I choose "home with slideshow" theme for my "home" page and... nothing. I only have a 100% width text. Do you have any idea about this ? Where should I look for debugging ?

May I also ask you a question ? I'd like to had a "viadeo" link on the header (viadeo is a kind of french linkedin). How could I do this ?

Thanks for your help,

(2016-03-16, 05:47:46)filmpl Wrote: This theme really looks nice but... I can't use components.
I checked JSSOR Slider, I do have the 3 .jpg files on my local server. I choose "home with slideshow" theme for my "home" page and... nothing. I only have a 100% width text. Do you have any idea about this ? Where should I look for debugging ?
May I also ask you a question ? I'd like to had a "viadeo" link on the header (viadeo is a kind of french linkedin). How could I do this ?
Thanks for your help,

Most of the components (including JSSOR slider) to generate their own content using content from specialized pages. I wrote about this in the theme description and on FAQ page.

So just send pictures to the server is not enough...
You must either create these pages or use my presented Demo structure and change there the images to your preference.
Highly recommended more closely read the JSSOR slider description which is on the FAQ page on my website:

If you want to use online video link on your page you can take advantage with HTML5 Video API element <video>. Because GS Evilve is HTML5 ready theme so you can use all it's possibilities. Only is one restriction - HTML5 video elements can work only with mp4, webm or ogg formats. If your source file has another format - you can convert them to one of the above. Operating instructions and the list of parameters you can find online, using search with keywords "HTML5 video".
Regards, Andrejus.
Hi Asemion,

I have re-read the FAQ about "Evolve main slider component" but I'm still stuck. Here are more details.

I use template "home_with_slideshow.php" which includes the required PHP activation code (with a condition):

PHP Code:

(component_exists('evolve-main-slider')) { ?>
    <div style="height:20px; visibility: hidden;"></div>
('evolve-main-slider', array('slider1_container', array( 'slider-1''slider-2' ), 'false''false''false')); 

In Theme settings > Component import, I checked "JSSOR Slider", and in Theme settings > Jssor Slider settings, slider ID is : "slider1_container". (same ID as in PHP code).

In /theme/Evolve/scripts/jssor., I do have the required "slider1_container.js" file.

In GS "Files" section, I do have /data/uploads/images/slides/01.jpg 02.jpg and 03.jpg. In which file do I have to make a link to these images ? In the slider1_container.js file ? Which line ?


About HTML5 <video>… I was not talking at all about "Videos" ;-), I was talking about Viadeo, a professionnal social network like LinkedIn. See :

I would like to add a viadeo icon+link in the header, next to linkedIn. And manage it via the back-office (Them settings > Social networking settings).

Thanks again for your help !

(2016-03-18, 01:05:19)Afilmpl Wrote: In GS "Files" section, I do have /data/uploads/images/slides/01.jpg 02.jpg and 03.jpg. In which file do I have to make a link to these images ? In the slider1_container.js file ? Which line ?


About HTML5 <video>… I was not talking at all about "Videos" ;-), I was talking about Viadeo, a professionnal social network like LinkedIn. See :

I would like to add a viadeo icon+link in the header, next to linkedIn. And manage it via the back-office (Them settings > Social networking settings).

You have to edit JSSOR Slider data files content and change there existing images links with your desired. In your case, it will be pages with slug: "slider-1" and "slider-2".
About Viadeo soc. network link. You need to do the following steps:
1. Open settings.php file for editing and search fieldset element with id="container-1". There you will see another networks profiles, including Linkedin. After Linkedin section make a new line and insert this code:

   <label for="viadeo">Viadeo:</label>
   <input type="text" class="text" name="viadeo" id="viadeo" style="width: 80%;float: right;" value="<?php get_theme_setting('viadeo'); ?>">

2. Open file for editing and search code block:

if(return_theme_setting('linkedin')) {
    if(strlen(return_theme_setting('linkedin'))>6 || return_theme_setting('linkedin')=="#") { ?>
        <li><a class="linkedin" href="<?php get_theme_setting('linkedin'); ?>"><i class="icon-linkedin"></i></a></li>
<?php } }
After it make a new line and insert this code:

f(return_theme_setting('viadeo')) {
    if(strlen(return_theme_setting('viadeo'))>6 || return_theme_setting('viadeo')=="#") { ?>
         <li><a class="viadeo" href="<?php get_theme_setting('viadeo'); ?>"><i class="socicon-viadeo"></i></a></li>
<?php } }

Unfortunately the fonts that are used with Evolve theme does not contain Viadeo icon. But you can use another soc. icons source which has mentioned icon. This requires connect to the project an external source as CSS. So in the in head section (after another CSS files links) insert this code:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

3. Open style.css file for editing and add this code section:

.viadeo i, .viadeo:before {

                             position: absolute;
                             margin: 10px 0 0 10px;
                             font-size: 22px;
.viadeo:before {
                             font-family: "socicon";
                             content: "\E04A";
                             top: 0;
.viadeo:hover:before {
                             top: 30px;
                             opacity: 0;
.viadeo:hover {
                             background-color: #E4A000;

.socicon-viadeo:before {

                             position: absolute;
                             font-size: 22px;
                             margin: -2px 0 0 0px;

Hi Asemion,

Quote:You have to edit JSSOR Slider data files content
In my case, that means modifying /theme/Evolve/scripts/jssor/slider1_container.js and /theme/Evolve/scripts/jssor/slider2_container.js. Am I right ?

Quote:and change there existing images links with your desired.
I do not see any links to images in these files. Could you tell me which snippet it is ?

(2016-03-18, 20:56:26)filmpl Wrote: You have to edit JSSOR Slider data files content
In my case, that means modifying /theme/Evolve/scripts/jssor/slider1_container.js and /theme/Evolve/scripts/jssor/slider2_container.js. Am I right ?

Quote:and change there existing images links with your desired.
I do not see any links to images in these files. Could you tell me which snippet it is ?

Once again I repeat - all Slider contents taken from the GS pages not from Javascript files. JS files set only code to slider transition effects, slider width and height, etc.
I do not know how you can better explain...
In this code:

get_component_with_params('evolve-main-slider', array('slider1_container', array( 'slider-1', 'slider-2' ), 'false', 'false', 'false'));
you have specified that component named 'eolve-main-slider' (aka JSSOR slider) takes content, which will be used for slides formation, from 2 GS pages of your site: 'slider-1' and 'slider-2'. Exactly these 2 files content used for slider structure like images, texts and links. For slider transition effects and other specific parameters settings will be used Javascript file 'slider1_container.js'.
If on your site pages with slags 'slider-1' and 'slider-2' are not created or if they have the wrong structure than Slideshow or will not appear at all, or it will looks awfully.
Data structure formation (the necessary elements, their parameters and use functions attributed to them) quite a difficult job. You should not only know and understand how the Slider works, but also to know how to use its functions and parameters.
Therefore, I shared with GS community my prepared demo structure files. By using them you can learn to create their own slideshow or just replace images and texts with their own links and use already established demo slideshow.
I hope comprehensibly explains.
Hi Andrejus,

so i made some great steps forward with your theme! It looks awsome!

BUT some topics makes me some headache Wink

There is some problem with the language selection, for a correct translation i've had to translate also the en_US.php i've marked them with /* german */ of course as well I put my de_AT.php file as default language for testing

Most of them are in the contact form and the footer


$set_lang = array (
'XML_ERROR'=>'File not found in following path: ',
'COMPONENT_ERROR'=>'The specified component does not exist! Check the settings, which are transmitted to the function.',
   'SITE_PHONE'=>'Site phone:',
'SITE_DEFLANG'=>'Site\'s default language (eg. "en_US")',
'SLOGAN_LINE'=>'Site slogan:',
'SEO_SLUG'=>'Site slogan for SEO:',
'SEO_SLUG_DESC'=>'Invisible but very useful for SEO ratings impovement',
'CONTACT_INFO'=>'Kontaktinformation', /* german */
'CONTACT_PHOTO'=>'Your Photo',
'PHOTO_PLACE'=>'Enter Your photo URL address',
'CONTACT_MESS'=>'Senden Sie mir Ihre Nachricht', /* german */
'CONTACT_NAME'=>'Name: ', /* german */
'CONTACT_TXT'=>'Nachricht: ', /* german */
'CONTACT_DESC'=>'Enter Your description',
'CONTACT_ADDRESS'=>'Geschäftsanschrift', /* german */
'CONTACT_PHONE'=>'Mobil', /* german */
'CONTACT_EMAIL'=>'Email', /* german */
'CONTACT_SUPPORT'=>'Google+', /* german */
'EVOLVE_SEARCH'=>'Start Typing...',
'EVOLVE_SEARCH_FOUND'=>'The following pages have been found',
'EVOLVE_SEARCH_NOT'=>'Sorry, your search returned no hits.',
'MAIL_NAME'=>'Geben Sie Ihren Namen ein', /* german */
'MAIL_EMAIL'=>'Geben Sie Ihre e-mail Adresse ein', /* german */
'MAIL_SUBJ'=>'Enter subject text',
'MAIL_URL'=>'Enter URL address',
'MAIL_BODY'=>'Geben sie ihre Nachricht ein', /* german */
'MAIL_SEND'=>'Nachricht senden', /* german */
'MAIL_ERR_SEND'=>'<strong>Error!</strong> Looks like there\'s a problem with your submission, please fix it and try again:',
'MAIL_ERR_MAIL'=>'<strong>Error!</strong> Unable to send your message. Please try again in a few minutes.',
'MAIL_SEND_SEC'=>'<strong>Success!</strong> Your message has been sent.',
'MAIL_ERR_ADM'=>'<strong>Error!</strong> The site admin hasn\'t configured the contact form yet!',
'MAIL_BAD_NAME'=>'Your name is missing',
'MAIL_BAD_ADR'=>'Invalid email address',
'MAIL_BAD_SUBJ'=>'Missing a subject line',
'MAIL_BAD_BODY'=>'Missing the message body',
   'COLOR_SCHEME'=>'Color scheme:',
   'TAG_LINE'=>'Tag line:',
'ADD_SOCIAL'=>'Social networking settings',
'SOCIAL_DESC'=>'In the fields above, type the required social networks links. If the field is empty - it will not be displayed. If in the field is entered symbol # - it will be displayed but do not have a link.',
'ADD_COMPONENTS'=>'Components import',
'SAVE_COMPONENTS'=>'Save settings',
'EVOLVE_EXT_FEATURES'=>' additional features',
'EVOLVE_CAROUSEL'=>'Jssor Slider settings (main slideshow)',
'JSSOR_MIN_WIDTH_DESC'=>'The minimum width of the slider, which is used in responsive code for slider scales while window resizes',
'JSSOR_MAX_WIDTH_DESC'=>'The maximum width of the slider, which is used in responsive code for slider scales while window resizes',
'JSSOR_FILLMODE_DESC'=>'The way to fill image in slide, 0 stretch, 1 contain (keep aspect ratio and put all inside slide), 2 cover (keep aspect ratio and cover whole slide), 4 actual size, 5 contain for large image, actual size for small image, default value is 0',
'JSSOR_DELAY_DESC'=>'Interval (in milliseconds) to go for next slide since the previous stopped if the slider is auto playing, default value is 3000',
'JSSOR_AUTOPLAY_DESC'=>'Whether to auto play, to enable slideshow, this option must be set to true, default value is false',
'JSSOR_DURATION_DESC'=>'Specifies default duration (swipe) for slide in milliseconds, default value is 500',
'JSSOR_KEYB_DESC'=>'Allows keyboard (arrow key) navigation or not, default value is false',
'JSSOR_HOVERP_DESC'=>'Whether to pause when mouse over if a slider is auto playing, 0 no pause, 1 pause for desktop, 2 pause for touch device, 3 pause for desktop and touch device, 4 freeze for desktop, 8 freeze for touch device, 12 freeze for desktop and touch device, default value is 1',
'JSSOR_FULLW_DESC'=>'Set full width for the slider, this parameter used in responsive code for slider scales while window resizes',
'JSSOR_PORIENT_DESC'=>'Orientation to play slide (for auto play, navigation), 1 horizontal, 2 vertical, 5 horizontal reverse, 6 vertical reverse, default value is 1',
'JSSOR_DORIENT_DESC'=>'Orientation to drag slide, 0 no drag, 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 3 either, default value is 1 (Note that the $DragOrientation should be the same as $PlayOrientation when $DisplayPieces is greater than 1, or parking position is not 0)',
'JSSOR_TRORDER_DESC'=>'The way to choose transition to play slide, 1 Sequence, 0 Random',
'JSSOR_ISLINK_DESC'=>'Whether to bring slide link on top of the slider when slideshow is running, default value is false',
'JSSOR_PLAYIN_DESC'=>'Captions play-in mode. 0 None (no play), 1 Chain (goes after main slide), 3 Chain Flatten (goes after main slide and flatten all caption animations), default value is 1',
'JSSOR_PLAYOUT_DESC'=>'Captions play-out mode. 0 None (no play), 1 Chain (goes before main slide), 3 Chain Flatten (goes before main slide and flatten all caption animations), default value is 1',
'JSSOR_EASING_DESC'=>'Specifies Jquery easing metod for right to left animation, default value is EaseOutQuad',
'JSSOR_PIECES_DESC'=>'Number of pieces to display (the slideshow would be disabled if the value is set to greater than 1), the default value is 1',
'JSSOR_SLWIDTH_DESC'=>'Width of every slide in pixels, default value is width of slides container',
'JSSOR_SLHEIGHT_DESC'=>'Height of every slide in pixels, default value is height of slides container',
'JSSOR_SLSPACE_DESC'=>'Space between each slide in pixels, default value is 0',
'JSSOR_APOZ_DESC'=>'The offset position to park slide (this options applys only when slideshow disabled), default value is 0',
'JSSOR_SBULL_DESC'=>'The parameter determining the bullets display methods',
'JSSOR_BULLACT_DESC'=>'Parameter establishing after which operation will be executed the action',
'JSSOR_BULLCNTR_DESC'=>'Auto center navigator in parent container, default value is 0',
'JSSOR_BULLSPAC_DESC'=>'Horizontal and Vertical space between each item in pixel, default value is 0',
'JSSOR_ISARROW_DESC'=>'The parameter determining the arrows display method, default value is Always',
'JSSOR_ARROWCNTR_DESC'=>' Auto center arrows in parent container , default value is None',
'JSSOR_ISTHUMB_DESC'=>'The parameter determining the thumbnail navigator display method, default value is Always',
'JSSOR_THUMBACT_DESC'=>'Parameter establishing after which operation will be executed the action, default value is Act by click',
'JSSOR_THUMBDR_DESC'=>'Disable drag or not, default value is Enable',
'JSSOR_THUMDOR_DESC'=>'Orientation to arrange thumbnails, default value is Horizontal',
'JSSOR_THUMLANE_DESC'=>'Specify lanes to arrange thumbnails, default value is 1',
'JSSOR_THUMPARK_DESC'=>'The offset position to park thumbnail, default value is 0',
'JSSOR_THUMCOLS_DESC'=>'Number of items to display in the thumbnail navigator container, default value is 1',
'JSSOR_THUMCNTR_DESC'=>'Auto center thumbnail items in the thumbnail navigator container, default value is Both',
'JSSOR_THUMSPX_DESC'=>'Horizontal space between each thumbnail in pixel',
'JSSOR_THUMSPY_DESC'=>'Vertical space between each thumbnail in pixel',
'EVOLVE_SCRIPTS'=>'Javascript activation settings',
'EVOLVE_REQUIRED'=>' (Required)',
'EVOLVE_REQUIRED_DESC'=>'Used by component',
'EVOLVE_REQUIRED_MENU'=>' and Main menu',
'EVOLVE_SCRIPT_DESC'=>'Scripts marked with a red color is needed for the theme functioning or their used certain component. <b>Their deactivation may affect theme elements functionality!</b> You can turn off some scripts if you are sure that your website will be loaded them from another source.',
'CONTACT_SET'=>'Enable Contact form using',
'SEARCH_SET'=>'Enable Search form using',
'TITLE_DESC'=>'Show Meta description on Title bar',
'TITLE_PARALLEX'=>'Parallex Title bar',
'EVOLVE_TOTOP'=>'To top',
'EVOLVE_MAPS'=>'Google Maps settings',
'EVOLVE_MAPS_ENABLE'=>'Enable Google Maps',
'EVOLVE_MAPS_MARKER'=>'Location marker name:',
'EVOLVE_MAPS_ZOOM'=>'Map zoom:',
'EVOLVE_MAPS_DESC'=>'Enter your location settings in the fields above (latitude and longitude can get in Google Maps site by finding desired address). In order maps has been displayed in the right place of your site put that code:  <code><b>&lt;div id="map"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</b></code>  in the theme template or to the required page content using CKEditor.',
'CAPTCHA_DESC'=>'Sicherheitsabfrage', /* german */
'CAPTCHA_RELOAD'=>'neu laden', /* german */
'CAPTCHA_TEXT'=>'Zahlen eingeben', /* german */
'CAPTCHA_ERROR'=>'Der eingegebene CAPTCHA code war falsch!', /* german */
'READ_MORE'=>'Read More',
'FOOTER_ABOUT'=>'Über', /* german */
'FOOTER_CONTACT'=>'Kontaktinformationen', /* german */
'FOOTER_CATEGORIES'=>'Kategorien', /* german */
'FOOTER_NEWS_DESC'=>'Make sure you don\'t miss latest news and get notices about our new themes, stay tuned!',
'FOOTER_NEWS_SUBS'=>'Anmelden', /* german */
'EVOLVE_FOOTER'=>'Footer appereance',
'EVOLVE_FOOTER_DESC'=>'Footer elements viewing'

and there is another question about the contact form:
where can i change the text from the headline and the breadcrumb?
i would like to change it from 'contact' to 'Kontakt'
[Image: contact3em9j6ya1n.jpg]

lbnl, unfortunately i'm not an expert creating websites but i did a lot of seaching and trial/error before i start asking.
i really hope you can help me Smile

thank you very much in advance!
greetings from Vienna

Dear Andrejus,

an important question regarding licenses. I would like to use your theme for commercial use.
I've found the passus about GPL and MIT license but I'm not sure about the fonts and icon-sets.

Please, can you inform me if i have to pay license fees to "whomever" and if yes to whom.

i.e. ss-gizmo icons, fontello

for FontAwesome, Raleway i've found already the SIL license terms!

(2016-03-20, 06:24:51)Claus Wrote: so i made some great steps forward with your theme! It looks awsome!

BUT some topics makes me some headache Wink

There is some problem with the language selection, for a correct translation i've had to translate also the en_US.php i've marked them with /* german */ of course as well I put my de_AT.php file as default language for testing
Most of them are in the contact form and the footer

and there is another question about the contact form:
where can i change the text from the headline and the breadcrumb?
i would like to change it from 'contact' to 'Kontakt'

lbnl, unfortunately i'm not an expert creating websites but i did a lot of seaching and trial/error before i start asking.
i really hope you can help me Smile

Hi, Claus.
If your website will only use one language then you can do the translation changes simply in the file en_US.php.
Otherwise, if you plan to use several languages - you need to make an additional translation of the German language.
In order to make a new translation file - you need to copy the source file from any language and rename it to the required language abbreviation, in your case  de_DE.php. File name de_AT.php not a good example, because the GS may incorrectly interpret this name. And then translate there existing lines in German.

Change the contact form menu and breadcrumbs texts you can in the GS administration area (on tab Pages you find page with slag "Contact").
Good luck, Andrejus.
(2016-03-21, 07:00:52)Claus Wrote: an important question regarding licenses. I would like to use your theme for commercial use.
I've found the passus about GPL and MIT license but I'm not sure about the fonts and icon-sets.
Please, can you inform me if i have to pay license fees to "whomever" and if yes to whom.
i.e. ss-gizmo icons, fontello
for FontAwesome, Raleway i've found already the SIL license terms!

About SS-GIZMO I find and download this font for free from GitHub. There is a license file, with which you can get acquainted:

About FONTELLO it's download for free from GitHub also. There is a license file, with which you can get acquainted:

In any case, if you do not like something or you are not sure one or the other sources - you can not use it and change them to other similar sources, which meets the requirements.
(2016-03-21, 17:37:55)asemion Wrote: In order to make a new translation file - you need to copy the source file from any language and rename it to the required language abbreviation, in your case  de_DE.php. File name de_AT.php not a good example, because the GS may incorrectly interpret this name. And then translate there existing lines in German.

omg, sometimes it's so close...changed to de_DE.php - everything is fine now!

(2016-03-21, 17:37:55)asemion Wrote: Change the contact form menu and breadcrumbs texts you can in the GS administration area (on tab Pages you find page with slag "Contact").
Good luck, Andrejus.

exactly tried already BUT this is happening:

[Image: contactmrodywzu96.jpg]
 now i have 2 menu-entries (as well 2 xml files) one with Kontakt an the other with Contact ^^

after this I've changed now in the tab pages the contact page (slug, menu entry deactivated) and as it look like - it works for now.

(2016-03-21, 17:51:03)asemion Wrote:
(2016-03-21, 07:00:52)Claus Wrote: an important question regarding licenses. I would like to use your theme for commercial use.
I've found the passus about GPL and MIT license but I'm not sure about the fonts and icon-sets.
Please, can you inform me if i have to pay license fees to "whomever" and if yes to whom.
i.e. ss-gizmo icons, fontello
for FontAwesome, Raleway i've found already the SIL license terms!

About SS-GIZMO I find and download this font for free from GitHub. There is a license file, with which you can get acquainted:

About FONTELLO it's download for free from GitHub also. There is a license file, with which you can get acquainted:

In any case, if you do not like something or you are not sure one or the other sources - you can not use it and change them to other similar sources, which meets the requirements.

wise words, relaxed expressed Angel

thanks for the links - SS-Gizmo is not for free - so i deleted the files straight forward (css and fonts), because i'm not able to able to change an whole iconset by myself Cool 

maybe you can mention this license topic at your first posting, so anybody knows to take care about.

all in all i like you theme really - as soon as my business starts i'm going to donate some dollars!

thx for your help!
(2016-03-22, 09:55:44)Claus Wrote:
(2016-03-21, 17:37:55)asemion Wrote: Change the contact form menu and breadcrumbs texts you can in the GS administration area (on tab Pages you find page with slag "Contact").
Good luck, Andrejus.

exactly tried already BUT this is happening:

[Image: contactmrodywzu96.jpg]
 now i have 2 menu-entries (as well 2 xml files) one with Kontakt an the other with Contact ^^

after this I've changed now in the tab pages the contact page (slug, menu entry deactivated) and as it look like - it works for now.

unfortunately this workaround didnt work, now i've again Kontakt and Contact as menu-entry and also 1x kontakt and 2x contact in the pages tab (kontakt=menu-entry, contact=menu-entry, contact=no menu-entry)

[Image: contact2xnoyfwb5xp9.jpg]

could it be that this is a GS topic and not an issue of your template? if yes, do you have any clue where i should start searching...

br Claus
(2016-03-23, 03:29:15)Claus Wrote: unfortunately this workaround didnt work, now i've again Kontakt and Contact as menu-entry and also 1x kontakt and 2x contact in the pages tab (kontakt=menu-entry, contact=menu-entry, contact=no menu-entry)

[Image: contact2xnoyfwb5xp9.jpg]

could it be that this is a GS topic and not an issue of your template? if yes, do you have any clue where i should start searching...

This is due to the fact that you have changed the page field "Custom URL (Slug)" value. For this reason, the GS most likely create an additional page file.
Correction options may be two:

  1. If your site will be used only one language (German) then you must have only one contact form page file and opened it for editing to change only two fields - "Page Title" and "Menu Text" (do not change page "Slug" field).
  2. If you are planning to have a multilingual website then you have to create and translate separate pages for each language. Also yet to be installed and set of the i18n plugin.
I hope this information will help you.
(2016-03-22, 09:55:44)Claus Wrote: thanks for the links - SS-Gizmo is not for free - so i deleted the files straight forward (css and fonts), because i'm not able to able to change an whole iconset by myself Cool 

maybe you can mention this license topic at your first posting, so anybody knows to take care about.

all in all i like you theme really - as soon as my business starts i'm going to donate some dollars!

Thank you for your decision to donate me. This gives an incentive to further develop my projects to make them even better.
So I have decided to remove from the Evolve project SS-Gizmo font and make project resources use links to other font source that would meet the licensing.
I found a similar to SS-GIZMO font, which has over 330 icons set and absolutely  free to use under the SIL Open Font License (for both commercial and non-commercial using). It's Typicons font.

So, when I finish the changes I report here. Then it will be possible to download and install the new version of Evolve Theme.
Good luck, Andrejus.
Version updated to v. 0.2:

  1. From project removed font SS-GIZMO which did not meet freeware license requirement. Instead, to the project embed font TypIcons, which is distributed under the SIL Open Font License.
  2. Remake theme structure so as to be used only Awesome and Typicons fonts sources.

Upgrading from previous version to v.0.2:
  1. First remove from your site the entire theme directory and then copy the "Evolve" folder from this archive.
  2. Go to the theme settings page, and re-import the component "Featered boxes".
Evolve Demo v 0.1

Due to the fact that from project was removed font SS-GIZMO changed Demo data files structure.
Upgrading from previous version:
  1. Replace all Demo structures files existing on your site with data files provided in this archive.
New versions of the GS Evolve theme and Demo can be downloaded from my site:
Hi Asemion,

Sorry for responding so late...
I got it ! The slider AND the icon-fonts are ok.
Thank you very much for your explanations and for your patience.

(2016-03-23, 18:50:20)asemion Wrote:
(2016-03-23, 03:29:15)Claus Wrote: unfortunately this workaround didnt work, now i've again Kontakt and Contact as menu-entry and also 1x kontakt and 2x contact in the pages tab (kontakt=menu-entry, contact=menu-entry, contact=no menu-entry)

[Image: contact2xnoyfwb5xp9.jpg]

could it be that this is a GS topic and not an issue of your template? if yes, do you have any clue where i should start searching...

This is due to the fact that you have changed the page field "Custom URL (Slug)" value. For this reason, the GS most likely create an additional page file.
Correction options may be two:

  1. If your site will be used only one language (German) then you must have only one contact form page file and opened it for editing to change only two fields - "Page Title" and "Menu Text" (do not change page "Slug" field).
  2. If you are planning to have a multilingual website then you have to create and translate separate pages for each language. Also yet to be installed and set of the i18n plugin.
I hope this information will help you.

thank you, changing the slug-text was the problem (of course...)

thank you also for updating the icons!!
Hi Andrejus,

one more question from my side:
i would like to add a sticky cookie note on bottom of the website, therefore I use the plugin cbcookies

all in all i'm happy _but_ i'm not able to get this as a sticky note on the bottom of the page.
it always disappears when i scroll to top!

[Image: cookiedys05c3u6k.jpg]

pls. can you help me where i have to adapt the code to get this sticky.

thank you!
(2016-05-01, 15:35:25)Claus Wrote: Hi Andrejus,

one more question from my side:
i would like to add a sticky cookie note on bottom of the website, therefore I use the plugin cbcookies

all in all i'm happy _but_ i'm not able to get this as a sticky note on the bottom of the page.
it always disappears when i scroll to top!

[Image: cookiedys05c3u6k.jpg]

pls. can you help me where i have to adapt the code to get this sticky.

thank you!

Hi, Claus.
What kind of browser you are use?
I just install cbcookies plugin on my localhost server with Evolve theme and everything works properly. Note element keep sticky on top or bottom of the page (depending on the setting).
I try with Firefox, Chrome and IE11 browsers.
I can not find the problem.
(2016-05-02, 23:34:58)asemion Wrote: Hi, Claus.
What kind of browser you are use?
I just install cbcookies plugin on my localhost server with Evolve theme and everything works properly. Note element keep sticky on top or bottom of the page (depending on the setting).
I try with Firefox, Chrome and IE11 browsers.
I can not find the problem.

Hi Andrejus,

I've tried with FF (newest version), Chrome (newest version), Edge, IE ? (2 WinXp-PCs), Android 6.0 (FF browser), Ipad -

so I dont think it is a local problem with my computer, maybe my GetSimple is  not "clean"

any clue where i can start my investigation? Huh

(2016-05-09, 04:12:51)Claus Wrote: Hi Andrejus,

I've tried with FF (newest version), Chrome (newest version), Edge, IE ? (2 WinXp-PCs), Android 6.0 (FF browser), Ipad -

so I dont think it is a local problem with my computer, maybe my GetSimple is  not "clean"

any clue where i can start my investigation? Huh


Hi, Claus.
For element sticky position response CSS3 attribute:
position: fixed;

This parameter included on both div's ID: #cbcoockies-top (for top position) and #cbcoockies-bottom (for bottom position).
But something breaks this parameter on your site...
In example, Position fixed not working with CSS3 attribute: transform: translate3D();
If coockies plugin insert his element in DIV that has this parameter - position: fixed; not works. Than you must overwrite attribute with:
transform: none;

Or there may be other problems. If you could send me your website address - then I could see the details.

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