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GSgallery: Need help from developers - Testing new version
I'm planning on releasing a new version of GSgallery soon.
This version will have a lot of new features, and one of the new additions is the ability to install plugins into GSgallery. Need help on identifying all the possible places for hooks.
At the same time, opening the door for any developers that are willing to do beta testing, and get familiar with the plugin system (which is the same as GetSimple)

Get the latest revision in:

you also need Admin Tab Loader installed:

- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Posted a beta version of all this new changes. So please help me test this new changes.

Beta Version: 2.5

You guys can report any findings here or in the main topic for GSgallery.

Thanks in advance
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
juliancc Wrote:Posted a beta version of all this new changes. So please help me test this new changes.

Beta Version: 2.5

You guys can report any findings here or in the main topic for GSgallery.

Thanks in advance
It seems that all is well
Oleg06 Wrote:
juliancc Wrote:Posted a beta version of all this new changes. So please help me test this new changes.

Beta Version: 2.5

You guys can report any findings here or in the main topic for GSgallery.

Thanks in advance
It seems that all is well

Thanks.. But i'm sure it's not perfect. haha I know you guys will find bugs!
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
I'll have a look in next week if a very_undecided_guy will finally decide if he wants a website with galleries or not Wink
I can assure you, that I will munch whole code of your plugin like I did last time Big Grin
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
This new version of the GS Gallery is great. congratulations.
'm In need of a little gallery of images other than that.
would like her to enjoy with the panel and the large image above the thumbnails and navigation on the side or bottom as Lesya link.
can someone help me. Conehço Little Bit of php, my business is even attached designer.
kaiocobain Wrote:This new version of the GS Gallery is great. congratulations.
'm In need of a little gallery of images other than that.
would like her to enjoy with the panel and the large image above the thumbnails and navigation on the side or bottom as Lesya link.
can someone help me. Conehço Little Bit of php, my business is even attached designer.

With the new version you can easily write a plugin to incorporate that script. I'll be glad to answer any questions on how to integrate such plugin. But I'm unable to actually write it myself as I'm busy with other projects.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
juliancc Wrote:
kaiocobain Wrote:This new version of the GS Gallery is great. congratulations.
'm In need of a little gallery of images other than that.
would like her to enjoy with the panel and the large image above the thumbnails and navigation on the side or bottom as Lesya link.
can someone help me. Conehço Little Bit of php, my business is even attached designer.

With the new version you can easily write a plugin to incorporate that script. I'll be glad to answer any questions on how to integrate such plugin. But I'm unable to actually write it myself as I'm busy with other projects.

thanks for the support. so lets go.
I started to put this plugin GS gallery but when I put the folder on the get simple js does not work anymore.

What are the first steps to creating a plugin for it?
kaiocobain Wrote:thanks for the support. so lets go.
I started to put this plugin GS gallery but when I put the folder on the get simple js does not work anymore.

What are the first steps to creating a plugin for it?

You can start by creating a php file inside of the plugin folder:


name your file whatever you want it to be.

then the requirement of the file is for you to have something like this:
# get correct id for plugin
$mypluginthisfile=basename(__FILE__, '.php');

# register plugin
    'Sample Plugin',
    'Square IT Solutions',
    'Description: Sample plugin',
    'plugins', //page type

In reality, the plugin system uses the same mechanics as GetSimple, so the documentation on GetSimple plugins should help you get a crash course.

Here is a list of all the available hooks.

****Available Hooks***


you will probably be using:

Hope this will give you a good start..
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Julian On my system when i click the gallery images getsimple siezes up screen turns a light gray, I looked on your site for answers and here!

If I send you ftp access could you spare time to look it over please.

Would love to get working and make a donation of $25 dollars to fix, much appreciated.

link to issue

Tried to figure out issue noticed you said might be jquery conflict, but I am intelligence challenged Smile
daguy Wrote:Julian On my system when i click the gallery images getsimple siezes up screen turns a light gray, I looked on your site for answers and here!

If I send you ftp access could you spare time to look it over please.

Would love to get working and make a donation of $25 dollars to fix, much appreciated.

link to issue

Tried to figure out issue noticed you said might be jquery conflict, but I am intelligence challenged Smile

It does appear to be a jquery conflict.

You don't need to send me ftp. I can probably fix it by logging in the admin section. PM me your GetSimple admin cridentials, and I will gladly fix it for you.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
daguy Wrote:Julian On my system when i click the gallery images getsimple siezes up screen turns a light gray, I looked on your site for answers and here!

If I send you ftp access could you spare time to look it over please.

Would love to get working and make a donation of $25 dollars to fix, much appreciated.

link to issue

Tried to figure out issue noticed you said might be jquery conflict, but I am intelligence challenged Smile

Just fixed your issue. Check your Private Messages as I just send you some details.

- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Wow! Julian; 'U D Man' thanks a lot for the help!
anyone know how to adjust the thumbnail size and the 'box display size' for new gallery 2.5???
daguy Wrote:anyone know how to adjust the thumbnail size and the 'box display size' for new gallery 2.5???

I think I've posted this before, but either way. You can go to line 559 of squareit-gallery.php
$gal .= '<a href="'.$SITEURL.'data/uploads/'.  $image .'" title="'. $sqr_captions[$key]  .'" '.$reltype.$styleclass.'><img alt="'.$sqr_captions[$key].'" src="'.$SITEURL.'admin/inc/thumb.php?src='.  $image .'&dest=../../'.GSG_RELFOLDERPATH.'thumbs/thumbmed.'.  $image .'&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a>';

and modify
to the new thumb size.

After this you need to delete all the images in the thumbs folder inside the gallery plugin.

Then you need to change some of the CSS
.sqr_image_gallery li{
    float: left;
    border:1px solid #C7C7C7;
    min-height: 125px;
    margin:7px 14px 7px 0px;
    list-style-type:none !important;

    text-align: center;

Change min-height in .sqr_image_gallery li and height in .sqr-thumb-cont

to the new size.

I've been wanting to do this as a setting in the plugin, but I just haven't had the time to get to it.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Well aware you do not have time now, this is a question for future only!

This is possible too much too ask of the Gallery, but you never know what clever coders can accomplish.

What I would like if possible is to either: link to another page OR to the lightbox as a ::: choice.
Perhaps below description the ability to add a link to another page???

Please take a look at this as example, and you will see its possible extended usefulness:

or this
or this
daguy Wrote:Well aware you do not have time now, this is a question for future only!

This is possible too much too ask of the Gallery, but you never know what clever coders can accomplish.

What I would like if possible is to either: link to another page OR to the lightbox as a ::: choice.
Perhaps below description the ability to add a link to another page???

Please take a look at this as example, and you will see its possible extended usefulness:

or this
or this

I actually fix and added htmlspecialchars to the alt attributes of the thumbs. so you can now use html code inside of the caption to include links.

See the example here:

In the future I will probably restrict it or improve it.. but if you get the latest version from google code repository. (do an svn checkout of the main branch) The fix for this is included.

Let me know if this what you needed.

PS: This can also be improved and extended by creating a new plugin. Just wanted to say it here, so in the event another developer wants to create plugins and extend the functionality, they are more then welcome. I hope to have better documentation on how to use the gallery and how to create plugins. But, in the mean time, everyone is welcome to post here. I tend to respond fairly quickly.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
changed the code in css and in 559 of squareit-gallery.php 100% for sure as instructed --repeated 2X to be sure.
yes I deleted all of them and yes total installed

any idea why its so naughty?

Still SHOWS at small size even though I set on 2nd attempt at 180px

the first attempt at 160 was also done here .. I assume you kept access??


daguy Wrote:
changed the code in css and in 559 of squareit-gallery.php 100% for sure as instructed --repeated 2X to be sure.
yes I deleted all of them and yes total installed

any idea why its so naughty?

Still SHOWS at small size even though I set on 2nd attempt at 180px

the first attempt at 160 was also done here .. I assume you kept access??



squareit-gallery.php was not updated. (It's actually line 569.)
I changed it to 180px and removed all the images in the thumb directory and it worked fine.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
One Minor ? is it bug:

The text description can not be entered until gallery items I check off are saved.

Then users have to go back to enter description!

Descriptions should be enterable at time of checking off items for gallery.

It works now, but not as intuitively for new users, slightly confusing, I think.

that's all folks!

PS fabulous plugin
daguy Wrote:One Minor ? is it bug:

The text description can not be entered until gallery items I check off are saved.

Then users have to go back to enter description!

Descriptions should be enterable at time of checking off items for gallery.

It works now, but not as intuitively for new users, slightly confusing, I think.

that's all folks!

PS fabulous plugin

Weird. It should allow you to enter the text as soon as you check the box. But i will keep it in mind.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
when I fill in the descriptions for multiple items in gallery--- then make a change such as deleting items with description and without.

The entire list then does not update and all the descriptions are WRONG for each item.

Then have to re-do the listed items, this is a nasty bug

Would it be possible to some how change the way we select / manage images?

I have about 200 images in my uploads and its very difficult to scan through them all and check the right ones.
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
OWS_Matthew Wrote:Would it be possible to some how change the way we select / manage images?

I have about 200 images in my uploads and its very difficult to scan through them all and check the right ones.

Yes, there is always a way. Wink

The truth is that initially the plugin was going to be a SIMPLE gallery plugin, that used the integrated file system. I will need to re-do/re-think some things.

If anyone has any suggestions, or is willing to help, It would be great..
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
daguy Wrote:BUG:
when I fill in the descriptions for multiple items in gallery--- then make a change such as deleting items with description and without.

The entire list then does not update and all the descriptions are WRONG for each item.

Then have to re-do the listed items, this is a nasty bug


Not sure if I follow you but I will try to replicate this issue, and get back to you. In the mean time, can you tell me the version of the plugin you have installed in your system?
- Julian

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