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Zegnåt’s multi-level navigation. ‘Menu Master.’ (version 3., 20100519)
Zegnåt: how about adding outside links just at the end of the menu automatically, without the possibility to set an order_ID ?
It's always a better solution, than not having it at all, at least for those, who have an urgent need to add such links from inside of admin panel.

I've got a question about 3.1 version of your menumaster plugin.
Breaking the line with <br /> in text menu input field works fine using built in navigation (get_navigation function), but when I use your plugin, < > are changed into entities ( &lt;br /&gt; ), and I end up with an awesome "my <br /> button" instead of
Do you have an idea how to fix it ?
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
Can't stand to wait any longer for the v4 Wink

Men ni har vel mycket at gjøra Wink

Sorry for my poor swedish skills!
yojoe Wrote:How about adding outside links just at the end of the menu automatically, without the possibility to set an order_ID?
I’ve been thinking of adding that, yes. We’ll see how it turns out.

yojoe Wrote:Breaking the line with <br /> in text menu input field works fine using built in navigation (get_navigation function), but when I use your plugin, < > are changed into entities ( <br /> )
Didn’t know about this, I consider it somewhat bad style to put HTML inside menu labels. It’s weird though, I believe I copied the way of rendering menu items straight from get_navigation to ensure compatibility. But I’ll look into this and maybe offer a patch for version 3.

kjemperud Wrote:Can’t stand to wait any longer for the v4 Wink
Feel free to create it yourself ;-)

kjemperud Wrote:Men ni har vel mycket at gjøra Wink
Du, det där kom inte ens nära svenska. Hahaha. Spelar ingen roll, bor tillräcklig nära Norge för att fatta det där ;-) (vel = väl; at = att; gjøra = göra)
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!

I am new to the forum and I discovered Get Simple few days ago. I apologize in advance for my English ... I'm French and I try to get better every day.

I post a message here because I read all the topics dealing with the plugin "zegnat multilevelmenu" me too and I tried to activate it on my site ...

I have a problem understanding on his installation as apparently I have my menu (level 1) that appears but not my submenu (submenu level 2).

I have version "GetSimple_2.03" and made the following operations:
1 / I unzipped the file "" and put the contents into the plugins folder.
I have a new tab that appears in "Themes" in management.
2 / I replaced the code "<ul id="nav"> <?php get_navigation (return_page_slug ()); ?> </ ul>" by "<?php menu_master (); ?>" in my template.
When I update my page, I still have my tabs but not the level 1 submenus by scrolling down ...
Can you help me or tell me what I forgot.

Thank you in advance.

you forgot to attach javascript and css
can be found here
Helse Wrote:I have a problem understanding on his installation as apparently I have my menu (level 1) that appears but not my submenu (submenu level 2).
Hi Helse, don’t worry about your English, there are very little people here on the forum that speak English as there first language (including me).

I think you’re expecting this plugin to do something it does not do. This plugin only changes the HTML output. It does not add any hover effects to show/hide the submenus. All submenu effects you want will have to be done in the theme you’re using.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
Zegnåt thank you for your reply.
I installed your plugin over the theme "Abacus", but even after this installation, the sub menus not see the contents ... I do not know where to look ... do you have an idea. thank you
I'm sorry, that's two days I seek the error in my template and functions and makes it a simple problem of checkboxes ... Excuse me for all the inconvenience thank you for your attention.

I'm quite new in GetSimple, and I'm trying to use Zegnåt’s multi-level navigation. I like it, it makes living easier Smile

Is it possible somehow to print out one specified menu's submenu items? Something like
<?php menu_master('gallery'); ?>
to print the 'gallery' page's submenu items. (If I try this code, nothing happens...)

Thank you.
the new feature for the version 4 seems perfect Smile i'm impatient !
pal_ur Wrote:Is it possible somehow to print out one specified menu's submenu items? Something like
<?php menu_master('gallery'); ?>
to print the 'gallery' page's submenu items. (If I try this code, nothing happens...)

Use a dedicated plugin for displaying childs.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
download link not work?
Hello Zegnåt!

I would really love to test your menu master plug-in, but it seems that the download link is broken. Sad

By reading about your plugin functionality, it seems that's exactly what I'm looking for!

Thank you!
pal_ur Wrote:Is it possible somehow to print out one specified menu’s submenu items? Something like
<?php menu_master('gallery'); ?>
to print the ‘gallery’ page's submenu items.
With the current version of the plugin this is not possible. There are other plugins made to offer exactly that though.
El-Cherubin Wrote:I’m impatient!
I am too. But it seems like there have been to many other things in my life lately.
karentsui Wrote:Download link not work?
dnlparra Wrote:I would really love to test your menu master plug-in, but it seems that the download link is broken. Sad
I think I fixed the download link. Let me know if there are any further problems.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
I cant get anything to work at all. Even in the HTML code I cannot get the child show. There is no documentation to what the admin area does.
Oleg06 Wrote:you can write a plugin for directories?

Which plugin solves these pop submenus? Thanks
two-level menu
Oleg06 Wrote:you forgot to attach javascript and css
can be found here

Hi Oleg I got thru view-source your hoverIntent.js - superfish.js - default.css and supefish.css even copied the javascript calls in main template.php, downloaded and properly installed Zegnat multimenu plugin, changed template.php to call it, but now the menu list appeared in vertical view not horizontal as in Default_simple theme you used in this example. What's wrong?

Could you upload the whole modified Default_simple theme .zip please?
raulelenes Wrote:
Oleg06 Wrote:you forgot to attach javascript and css
can be found here

Hi Oleg I got thru view-source your hoverIntent.js - superfish.js - default.css and supefish.css even copied the javascript calls in main template.php, downloaded and properly installed Zegnat multimenu plugin, changed template.php to call it, but now the menu list appeared in vertical view not horizontal as in Default_simple theme you used in this example. What's wrong?

Could you upload the whole modified Default_simple theme .zip please?

Thanks a lot!!!

First, Great Plugin! It has saved me tons of work and I would love to throw you a donation if you have a paypal account.

I am using this plugin for some clients and have have satisfied their need for drop down menus.
However, they constantly complain about the missing functionality of adding outside links.
Now I know how to add outside links to the navigation through your script. It is very easy.
However, setting the placement of those links is not as easy..

I would greatly** appreciate it if you can help me out in sorting outside added links or at least throw me on the track track to figure it out myself.
I feel frustrated.
I downloaded this plugin from a link here in a forum's post but that was an old version

so I did not find any menu options (even after cleaning my glassess...)

why is your plugin not included in the extend-download-version? That would be a great help for us users

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
i cant solve my problem
i use Zegnåt’s multi-level navigation, and i need to deactivate some menu items with drop out menu.

for example (bad english): - item "Articles". i need a drop out menu on mouse over "Articles", but page "Articles" i need to be inactive to go to.
so user put mouse over "Articles", menu drops down, and user can go to 4 children pages, but cant go to page "Articles". so "Articles" should be kind of title of 4 children pages, but not a page itself.

how can i do that?
First, off, great plugin! It seems like this functionality should have been in GetSimple to begin with, as it does provide the parent/child relationship but then does nothing with it - so thanks Smile

I've noticed an php issue, where I have an apostrophe in a menu item, and it displays as, for example: Robert\'s Menu Item rather than Robert's Menu Item

Has anyone else encountered this, and if so, could you recommend a fix? It's likely something to do with telling PHP to convert apostrophes back to just ' once it runs the code.
rbrtwhite Wrote:I've noticed an php issue ...
You may want to try the i18n plugin. Don't be misled by the name – it's possible to use the navigation features independently and it does a great job.

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