Get a sheet of paper, or open your favorite spreadsheet tool.
Create this table:
Columns (What we Say, What we Think, What we Do)
Rows (Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitor, Close)
Now, duplicate this table onto another sheet. Label one - Product, the other - People (or Organization).
Now, let's fill in a couple cells.
In the People table, column "What we Think" and row "Initiation", we'll add:
-Choosing a Content Management System should be easier.
-Installing a CMS should be easy.
-Integrating custom functionality into a CMS should be straightforward and non-breaking.
In the People table, column "What we Think" and row "Planning", we'll add:
-The need to collaborate is obvious, what parties and at what times require/demand/expect input and outputs? (Even if it's the same person, the concerns of Owner, Operator, Builder are different.)
In the People table, column "What we Think" and row "Execution", we'll add:
-Site development should be progressive, having to start "afresh" should be a decision the developer makes, not a consequence of additional insight, features, or function. Create data infrastructures that are as defined as the concepts explained.
In the People table, column "What we Think" and row "Monitor", we'll add:
-CMS should facilitate content improvement (by quality or conversion).
In the People table, column "What we Think" and row "Close", we'll add:
-CMS should be simple enough to transfer development responsibilities.
So this is just one column, filled with assumptions, but using what we know as a foundation, we can elaborate and improve on a granular level.
If you've created this spreadsheet, fill out a couple other cells with relevant context. Use cell background colors to notate fundamental concepts, concepts to improve, etc.
This is just an informal outline and the language used should communicate topic not elaborate. Let's refine what you want, before you decide how to get it.
Fill in what you can and send it to me / post it.
I've tweeted you my email address.
-Ryan Gensel