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new themes for GetSimple 2.03
made minor edits
new themes for GetSimple 2.03
full free templates you can download on the site


[Image: free-gs011.jpg]

[Image: free-gs012.jpg]

[Image: free-gs013.jpg]
in templates to use plugins: "keyword_search", "dominion_blog_v0_5a"," squareit-gallery "," zegnat-multilevelnavigation "," gs_massmail "
tested one, don't know who originally created those templates but there are a few problem, low quality overall. I suppose Oleg just 'modifed' the themes for GS
What problems?
full free templates you can download on the site
Yes, I eliminated one problem in the news, write, what else
this only applies to templates, themes are not considered
I tested the green one, it has 5 different css, written in different styles, with large parts unused and unreferenced and it looks like someone just (badly) copied and tried to modify some existent template.

ie. there's a *hardcoded* lorem ipsum part in the template inside a div named "slider" , with a slider.css style sheet. I'd bet 2 cents the original template (for a different cms) allows me to insert and modify various text blocks, and some script (a slider.js module, here missing) will rotate them.

low quality, bad assembly and i suppose parts stolen from different templates, can't tell about licensing, so a big warning here too.
Sorry if you used the theme, there I left the styles of the total template that people could use them, I have no one stole it, did everything myself, I do not understand what you're outraged, in IE6 works fine, download the complete template for my website - it has 8 files css
Smile Of course a simple template, so I am giving it for free
marrco, I removed all the extra files CSS styles from all of the Themes, now you should be happy
Oleg, i don't know who really created the themes. I just said i tried to use the green one and noticed many problems, the template looks like someone cut&paste pieces from different themes, with a lot of unused parts, really a mess. I see you just removed a few images and leftovers from different themes. I'm sure you know what i'm talking about.

i'm not trying to trash your job, i'm just putting a big notice that if someone wants to use this theme will run into problems because of very poor styling. And i'm quite confident that large part is being copied from different themes, so i don't know if this is really a free theme. Do you really created all elements?

There are many parts that make me wonder, every css uses different fonts, styles, some are written by hand, other using dedicated software, some parts look naive and other professional written, to give one example, how comes in template.php you named a div "slider", used a separate css and left a few arrows.gif in the image folder while you just hard encode the content ? This look like a part from a different theme that someone put here, without being able to include all relevant files (there's no .js to make it work) so changed it to fixed text, without even being able to write a get_component('random1');

** this is template.php, not a generated page**

<div id="slider">
<div id="random">
<h2>Random text</h2>
Uttellus pretium intesque volutpat malesuada curabitur convallisis non dui elit fring. Tortorconvallis felis pellus curabitur in lorem tur in et nisse curabitudin.
pretium intesque volutpat malesuada curabitur convallisis non dui elit fring. Tortorconvallis felis pellus curabitur in lorem tur in et nisse curabitudin.
<!--end slider -->
I originally just made a complete template, and then made a template topic, perhaps I was in a hurry because I needed to make templates for all four CMS, I assure you that I will be paid templates neater

the full templates is and the components and scripts

Sorry, Google's translation
From what I understand Oleg was creating these templates for 4 different CMS's so he probably created a base CSS, and then had to hack and slash it into the perspective layout schema's.
I'm glad I was able to explain to you by Google Smile

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